Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Couple afternoon pics for today 4x8 was off so no pics of it until later

It's taken me a while to get my Purge mods. I have been patient and bought things at good deals and then been doing well trading. I didn't pay retail for any of them nor would I. So iot was like a game for me, see if I could slowly trade up to them and I have over the last year. I scored a Suicide King in brass, and a Copper Hear No Evil, and a brass Karma as well. Very happy with them. Nothing else gets used lol. Got the heavy spring in all the buttons and I'm happy. I don't own any tanks or regulated mods at the moment. Although I do have a 4 cell Lipo 240 watt mod from Sacarab Industries that should be done soon. I bought an Armagedon Elite V2 for that, gonna see what kind of build I throw in there when it arrives probably some twisted wire just because LOL, I have the time so why not.
I have a few different genesis tank mods, billetboxes, dna200's then bunch of mechs.
So i had some help this morning and took advantage. I tied down the Dark Plasma on the net bit not yet on the other two plants gonna wait for them to get a bit taller.

In the veg tent I transplanted the viable cuts and the seedlings. They were fed and watered and got a foliar of Method 1 pps. All of the roots were healthy and white very happy with that. The second tray for the floor in the 4x8 is here and I will get that in later tonight when the lights come on.


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Watered and fed the entire grow overnight and started to tie down the two smaller plants in the flower tent. Here's a before and after shot of the work with the net tonight.


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About to start my garden work for the day. Here's a shot of the 4x8 and the veg tent. The flower tent is still sleeping will get a picture up once the lights come on. Thanks for checking in.


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I just need to tell you that I think it's hilarious that you are growing a sunflower plant just to shut someone up. Totally sounds like something I would do.


Plants are looking good and I love your setup. I keep seeing everyone with a bunch of autocobs and I only have 4(which for my space is good). I think I need to tell my girlfriend that I need my birthday gifts early this year and that the only thing I want are autocobs so get me a few.

Sounds like it'll work in theory...

Lol I'm in for the rest of the grow and I can't wait to see that hunky sunflower later.