Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Got the six Auto Gorilla testers transplanted and into the Flood & Drain setup in the closet. Spaced out the plants in the hydro in veg and found a surprise lol. Tonight is 9 days exactly since moving them from cloner to hydro..........

that sunflower is unreal,going for some kind of record ? have a busy garden for sure,dont know how you keep up with it all.
Thanks for the kind words. I always dreamed of having the huge head sunflowers in my yard and my daughters love sunflowers. I just want to see how big I can get it. They say some grow to about 14 foot tall lol.

As for keeping up it's basically my full time job as I'm disabled. The veggies outdoor is food for the family and the inside is my personal meds. I go through a lot of flower and you have to build a stock until you can afford to miss a grow and not be without meds. Then you can take a grow off or you have a safety net if something goes wrong. The mmj cuts my daily pill count more than in half and gets me out of bed and doing shit not just vegetating away.

you doing a cracking job,in what 2 or 3 tents now plus the outdoor stuff :thumbsup:
just as a simple small space grower/smoker myself,the safety net of a lil stock built up should a grow go south is a big weight off my mind.
good luck n keep er lit.
Yeah I shut down one of my tents for a dedicated dry space. But if I need to turn it on it's there.

So right now I setup the flood and drain kit in the closet and then I have a veg tent and a flower tent.

For the outside I chose two big round pots for better ease of access for me and for lower cost vs the fabric raised beds. They're two 65 gallon short pots for like $18 the 4x4 bed is a lot more and each of these pots is 36" in diameter so.........not the norm but works for me. Same thing as the square be just different shape and cheaper. And since we get cuts from the nursery it's perfect. I can just keep re using my soil every year and amending as necessary. Here soon we will have veggies blowing up as well as cover crop. I ordered the worms today. I also have an idea for a cage we will see ..........
Looking good and ready for summer .

That sunflower is humongous.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'

Thanks for the kind words there will be a few more Sunflowers coming soon lol........

Got some well needed sleep last night for once. Up and at it early today, smoked a joint of some Fookies. Flower tent (what's left) cruising along, and off right on time. I peeked in on the veg tent and all is well. Sprayed down the 2x2 F&D tray in the closet, the veg tent, and the outdoor veggies with the Rhizo spray I mixed. Everything is looking good outside we are suppose to get some rain the next couple of days.

The closet is looking great and the plants are all holding up well. Stupid easy to keep up on this. The big bush is three cuts in [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] pots Blood Diamon OG, Susy Q, and Peach Puree, and in the back row are my (6) Auto Gorilla testers that I made last run, a tomato plant I had sprouted from seed, and my Sour Hound Auto Fem that I made last run as well. The two cuts I took that are in my make shift dome are still alive and green we shall see what happens lol.


I'm very happy with how the cuts have come along as they came to me pretty yellow and hungry like this not too long ago, pics were taken 03/24/2018 a couple days after receiving them they were worse out of the box lol


Also not sure if I posted pics here in this thread of the outdoor veggies.....


Thanks for checking in and Happy Sunday
Yeah we don't mind it at all lol.

Thanks for the kind words

First of all, beautiful thread, outdoor space and plants. You are truly blessed to have such ample growing space.

Reading through your thread I suddenly couldn't find more QB pics? Looks like they were replaced by MH\HPS?

I was curious about the QB since I am considering the 135w model for my 4sqft cabinet, I am limited to 101cm in height so I think COB will be out of the question since they need to stay like 20" away from the tops.