Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Bro your purple gorilla is crazy. A lot bigger than mine but the thing is you don’t need nearly as much of it to get the job done. I tell people to wait at least an hour before driving lol. Sick! Autopots are going to be a nice addition too. Hopefully save some labor.
Bro your purple gorilla is crazy. A lot bigger than mine but the thing is you don’t need nearly as much of it to get the job done. I tell people to wait at least an hour before driving lol. Sick! Autopots are going to be a nice addition too. Hopefully save some labor.

Thanks just going to test this one for now and see whats up with it and the Canna Coco line of nutes and coco. I can't wait to smoke the Purple Gorilla after it's cured a bit.
Ok so I went into the garden today and overnight to check on things and spray down the clones. All timers etc are working fine. The Dark Plasma cuts in the 4x8 already stretched 4" over night WOW lol.......

I didn't water anything today I just sprayed down the veg tent with Method 1pps. Took a few pics for you guys, thanks for checking in.

Sunflower now 24" tall


Veg tent


The two auto's hanging to dry


A few shots of the 4x8

Alright another garden update because why not. I got in there and watered and fed all the girls in the garden. The cloner was still good and didn't need a top off. I sprayed the veg tent down with method 1 pps again as well as the clones. The Sunflower looks droopy in the pic because she was thirsty, not even 10 minutes after watering she was all perked up again. I have actually found this sunflower strain to be a good measure for me on when to water my Cannabis plants. Got a few pics today had to snap a few of a couple girls while I had them out, here soon I will be needing to hand water inside the flood trays as they're getting too big to keep moving in and out for watering. On to the pics..........

Few Shots of the 4x8


Veg Tent




One of my Dark Plasma's


My Satori X GG#4


Thanks for checking in
Today's update is minor. I just topped off the res for the cloner and then sprayed down the veg tent and the left side of the 4x8 with the method 1 pps again. I also put a Sour Hound Auto Seed into coco to see how it will grow with the Canna products as it's a strain I have grown many times before. Might pop 3 or 4 more auto seeds just because we will see..
Ok, well I am trying not to post pics too often but it's go time now with stuff starting to bud up on one side of the 4x8 and the other side starting to push out pistils. I haven't put up pics since Monday and was in there today checking on things so here we go. I watered and fed everyone last night. The left side of the 4x8 was sprayed with method 1 pps for the last time and the veg tent got it's spray down again. The clones are still alive and looking like they will start rooting in a few days, and the cuts that came from the clone fairy are adjusting slowly but surely. I dropped some Auto beans into water that are testers to see if they pop not expecting much really as they're so fresh. The Sunflower grew 4" from last night to tonight freaking crazy lol. I also switched the sunflower to the Canna nutes two waterings ago because I wasn't going to be mixing Flora Nova for grow for just one plant. She seems to like the Canna very much. Also chopped down the two auto's that were drying yesterday and put them into containers to start curing. I cleaned one nug up a bit and took a pic as well. Also one other thing, I changed the distance to canopy from 30" to 24" to see what happens. I am still messing with the distance to canopy on my own with less watts than people feel I should be running, 30" had just been so good to me, but I think I can be closer and not burn the plants and cause deficiencies etc so we will see. I will adjust accordingly if needed. I feel the photo's can handle more intense light as the lights are not on for as long as with Auto's, just my thoughts. Open to discussion if anyone cares.

Thanks for checking in

Shot of a Purple Gorilla nug


The 4x8


The veg tent
Today I watered and fed again as the plants look freaking perfect running along with a lower feed but feeding every watering vs trying to guess when to water at higher feed levels and when to use just water. I have also found my Sunflower of all things to be a great determining factor on when to water the garden. When she's thirsty everything else is too but not too dry. This is just a visual aid not a replacement for the standard ways of checking for how thirsty your plants are. Feed in the 4x8 was Flora Nova Grow, Protekt, Cal-Mag Plus, EC 1.2 and PH 6.0 on the nose. I went out yesterday and picked up a nifty nozzle and a 20 gallon bin to go along with my little giant pump and hose so I can water easier and with less exhaustion as these girls are just too big now to risk messing them up moving them in and out of the tent for watering and they're not done stretching by any means.

(cut me slack on the floor I know it's dirty I will be taking care of that tomorrow)


This is a back saver and cuts my time down dramatically.

Here's the 4x8 as a whole and a shot of each side individually again, the taller two Dark Plasma cut's on the left side in the back are 42" tall from the top of the media (not including height of the pot)


Here's a shot of the veg tent, I watered and fed everything in here with the Canna coco line (A&B, Rhizo, and Cannazyme) EC 1.2 and PH 5.9. I topped of the cloner with the same nutes and made sure EC and PH was on point. I watered the coleus with plain water, and I sprayed everything down with my method 1 pps. I also have one of my bred seeds in house of the Sour Hound Auto popping the coco in a small container. Want to try and grow it out in coco with the Canna Line as well to see what's up. I also have some Auto seeds that went into a paper towel and zip lock trying to germ and see if I can grow them out as I have an empty tent right now and want to see how these turned out I hadn't really made my own Auto Fem seeds before and want to make sure they're not garbage before sharing with a few buddies.


I have some changes planned for one part of the garden. I have been at this grow now for a year + in this location (coming up on 2 years growing overall in May) and have a better idea of what the room temps and humidity will do throughout the year. I have always loved hydro because I love to tinker and I'm going to setup the veg tent for top drip hydro in hydroton and pots with a res underneath to recirculate the water. I am also thinking of mixing up the COB's between the two 3x3's to combine the 3000K/6500K in each of the two 3x3's and see what the plants do. Just need to build a frame for the flood tray order a few parts and drill a couple of holes. Also have to start getting things together for this years outdoor veggie grow which I am excited about as I have been granted a larger space than last year :)

I do believe that covers everything and I hope everyone has a good weekend. :peace: