Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Is that sunflower , is it there for bug bait?
Is that sunflower , is it there for bug bait?
It is a sunflower and I'm growing it just because. A friend who is a grower said I couldn't do it under the cobs without it mutating so it's just to prove him wrong really lol.

One of the 4x4 trays came in as well as the other fabric pots i ordered. I was able to transplant the last little Skywalker and also the sunflower. I was able to get the sunflower in a corner with it's own COB at 30" above the canopy. Here's a few pics.


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Got in to spray the clones in the veg tent and to water and feed in the flower tent. Today's feed is the first full bloom nute feed. Flora Nova Bloom, Ful-Power, Cal-Mag Plus, and Protekt. PH was 6.0 and EC was 1.6 The Dark Plasma is already starting to show flowers LOL I think she will be a quick finisher. Let's see how much more these ladies stretch and fill in the tent.

Flower Tent


And the veg tent

I hate when people have negative opinions. We should all be here to help or offer advice. Must be a RIU member. Haven’t been there in ages because of the bs. Anyways things are looking good in there. I can assure you that you won’t get bored when the Gorilla takes off. Have to count but I think I have 15-17 newbies germinating. Some didn’t come up so I added more seeds and a day later there they were. Must have been hiding cause I didn’t see anything.

Sunflower looks good too. Hope it doesn’t get to tall
Love checking in on your Autocob grows. :slap: Is that sunflower stalk as big around as that Purge mod now?
Love checking in on your Autocob grows. :slap: Is that sunflower stalk as big around as that Purge mod now?

Yeah it is LOL. That's why I showed the pic it's crazy. I topped the Sunflower tonight never grown one before so lets see what happens LOL :d5:

Here's a leaf from one of my Skywalkers next to my stacked Purge King mod


Shot of the 4x8


My Jelly Bean [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] (Satori X GG#4)


My Purple Envy


I watered and fed everyone except the flower tent that was lights off at the time I could get in the garden overnight. I adjusted lights in the veg tent and the 4x8 to get back to 30" from the canopy all around. This distance is working wonderfully right now very happy with this change. I topped the Purple Envy, the Vienna Skunks, and the Jelly Bean tonight as well. Also, I topped off a few pots from the 4x8 with more Promix. I also misted the clones, lost 3 so far out of 12, and I think 2 more won't make it but everything else should be fine. I am waiting to get one more AutoCob to hang over the Turbo Kloner I have and then running that with the Flora Nova Bloom, I have had good results like this in the past.

I did defoliate and do LST. The sour hounds all started to flower already so they needed their early flower defol and they got it. I think that covers everything for this update. Thanks for checking in
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So many new vape toys out there. The Purge is out of my price range right now and wife would probably divorce me if I got anymore. Only double stack I have is a Congestus 26650.
So many new vape toys out there. The Purge is out of my price range right now and wife would probably divorce me if I got anymore. Only double stack I have is a Congestus 26650.

It's taken me a while to get my Purge mods. I have been patient and bought things at good deals and then been doing well trading. I didn't pay retail for any of them nor would I. So iot was like a game for me, see if I could slowly trade up to them and I have over the last year. I scored a Suicide King in brass, and a Copper Hear No Evil, and a brass Karma as well. Very happy with them. Nothing else gets used lol. Got the heavy spring in all the buttons and I'm happy. I don't own any tanks or regulated mods at the moment. Although I do have a 4 cell Lipo 240 watt mod from Sacarab Industries that should be done soon. I bought an Armagedon Elite V2 for that, gonna see what kind of build I throw in there when it arrives probably some twisted wire just because LOL, I have the time so why not.