You put one of the white pots in the tray? You gotta let me know how that works!

Lol I jammed 2 fabric pots in the trays.
Roots pouring out of the pots. The plants love it
Lol I jammed 2 fabric pots in the trays.
Roots pouring out of the pots. The plants love it
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That being said.
Next run. I'll be using all fabric pots.

My biggest issues of 2018. Adjusting to the square pots and over watering.
They don't breathe enough from the bottom slits for my heavy handed waters lol.
And the over watering caused GNATSTOCK
It was a plague of them bastards. They killed seedlings and sabotaged a few plants.
Imo the square pots may need some holes drilled in the sides. Or I just suck.
Both very possible

Also. For what ever reason. Megacrop and I have not gotten along well. My res was foul using it. I don't have a clue why. Maybe my tap water.

Beyond that I also think I'm going to be taking @pop22 's route and do coco soil mixes.
I had a little left over soil and mixed a few pots and it seems to be pretty golden.

All dialed in now at the end of 2018 and geared up for a bad ass 2019
Tomo is the end of week 2 flowering and begin of week 3.
I'll get some nice preflower shots and try to get some root shots.

Cheers everyone
Alright troops!
Ive been having a look at this thread after being pointed here after asking about autopots on L.S.
I must say there is some mighty fine looking grows going on in here.
I was pondering between autopots or a wilma 4 pot, but after seeing some of the results here combined with past experience im getting autopots!

So thanks everyone for making me spend 80 bucks right after Christmas :crying: :smoking:
Hopefully find some in the January sales lol!

Keep up the good work everyone :worship: