Aerogarden CS Sex Change

nben, I have my Aerogarden supplies and an external air pump. Can you point me to any resources that explain the basics of breeding Feminized seeds? Thanks in advance!

Awesome awesome awesome!! Starting to feel like the lone ranger here haha!

Here is the thread that taught me literally everything I know about fem seed production. It is long, I suggest you take advantage of some down time on a weekend (like a Sunday) and take brakes and notes:
Damn it, just checked the PH. 5.14. This is really starting to get old. I added more hard tap water, shot up to 6.82. I'm leaving it there. So frustrating. This can't be good for the plants....
In reference to your PH issue. I've been cycling my PH down to 5.2-5.4 then it rises to 6.1 or 6.2 over the next day or two. Bilbo suggested doing this as I was having deficiency issues with my plants. It seems to be working. So getting the PH into the low 5s seems to be helping me. :Sharing One:
Boy that was a marathon read. Thanks for directing me to it.:Cheers:
LOL Glad you liked it!! Hope it answered some questions. It has been a huge resource for me in the past for sure. My last reversal I forgot to switch to flowering nutes early as Bob suggested and got flowers that didn't produce any pollen. That is why I was so insistent this time around to switch as soon as I found any male pods developing.
When you plant your seed or take your clone take a razor and slice the grow sponge right down the middle like a hot dog bun (not all the way through), then place clone in or seed in near top. It helps to have the sponge wet before you do this.
I haven't tried cloning. I was going to use a couple of feminized autoflower seeds. Are there any pit falls doing it this way?
None that I have ever ran into. You do want to keep the seed near the crease of your "hot dog bun" to hold it inside. It actually makes seed starting very nice because you can peak inside and see if it has sprouted or not. Just be very gentle. I also do not push the grow basket into the hole in the grow deck until seed is sprouted and the tail is growing down. Just place the basket with the sponge in the hole and leave loose. This way you can take it out without any force. You don't want to jar the seed and make it fall. It stays pretty well you just have to be gentle.
I also don't use the humidity domes, they grow so fast it just doesn't really warrant their use.