Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Very good response to pollination.

As I said in an earlier post I sacrificed one of the upper buds for seed. This seems to have a positive result. There are already seeds forming, just tiny little swollen bumps at the base of the withered hair but they are definitely there.

HPS is terrible for lighting. Tried to shade the bud and use a filter on the cam but it just really didn't turn out as I had hoped. There are clearly withered flowers however:

preg1 - Copy.jpg
A little side project I have been working on for pollen collection:

pollen_smiley - Copy.jpg

Sorry it looks white, forgot to turn off filter from other pics. Too lazy to re-shoot, haha! In person it looks very yellow.

All I did was take a grinder that I don't use anymore with a screen and place the open pollen pods on top of the screen. I don't grind just leave the pods until dry and gently rap it on a hard surface.

Before this I thoroughly cleaned it inside and out with rubbing alcohol. For the next reversal I will be washing in water, drying, then cleaning again in alcohol. I feel this will make sure there won't be any genetic pollution from this batch of pollen.
Decided to take down the clone today. It was an amazing experience that I can't wait to reproduce with a World Of Seeds Amnesia right here on this very thread!!

I scraped out Mr. Smiley face today and filled three vials with a good amount. Letting these air dry some more before capping and storing.

It's a relief to only have to worry about the mother.

Now I will shift my focus to the seeds developing and keep the thread updated.
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Dude that was a great idea with the grinder! I was trying to think of something like this, to remove the pollen bananas and how to get the pollen out, without risking pollinating other plants. This is perfect, you got it! Might have to get me one of those cheapo ebay $15 grinders! (I'm still waiting and hoping my cuttings root successfully before they get the silver)
Thanks for the Kudo's Anthropolis:) Good luck on the reversal! Do you have a thread on it?

I figured they call them pollen boxes for a reason:grin: This was a metal mesh screen, not silk (or whatever they make the cloth type ones out of haha!). Was impressed by what I got from the experiment, I highly recommend it!!

Edit: From what I saw don't worry about the roots being developed before spraying. As soon as you see hairs start blasting away ;)
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Seed pods are slowly starting to develop and even split a little. They are nowhere near ripe yet however. I will be taking weekly update pics of this particular seed since it is easy to get a shot of for now... As the buds fill in it may become impossible to post pics of this particular seed but I will still be posting pics of ones that I can get in the shot!

circled seed - Copy.jpg
Damn!!! Checked today and low and behold the branch had a small patch of mold on it!! Why only this one branch?!! Removed moldy patch and wiped hydrogen peroxide on the area. I have increased air circulation as well. My only assumption is that the pollinated branch is thicker because of the developing seeds, allowing more moisture to get trapped. Man I hope this doesn't spread... I'm close to beginning harvest as well.:Aw shucks:
Anyone out there know if hydrogen peroxide will harm the plant? Just sprayed some more on it...
I think it should be ok just once in awhile or in small amounts. I think it was Mossy that had a picture of one of hers that got hydrogen peroxide poisoning, all the leaves turned silver lol! But just a bit to combat mold should be ok. Btw I got one of those cheap ebay grinders haha! Actually works great for herb, and it was only $10. My reversal is going ok, just started with CS spray so I have a while to go.
Excellent!!! I will never try to get pollen any other way. I am looking forward to winter (surprisingly since I hate the cold) so the air is dryer and hence more pollen!!!!

I would gladly just snip this damn branch off if it wasn't the only branch with seeds on it!!! I could use some pollen I stored I guess but I am thinking it's just too long in the game now...

I am thinking for us it is very important to clean those grinders thoroughly with alcohol before obtaining any more pollen... Genetic pollution would be devastating when growing on a small scale! No way of knowing if it's the real deal without growing out several plants!

Edit: Since rubbing alcohol is so cheap I might just fill a cereal bowl with the entire thing and let it soak overnight...