Aerogarden CS Sex Change

This clone continues to amaze me! This is only 14 days after I started spraying. I have never seen a reversal work so fast... The shot was heavily zoomed of course to show all the pods but it is still quite amazing to me:

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In contrast here is a bud site on the mother. They are just barely starting to form:

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Nben in Your expierience how long does it normaly take to reverse a Clone... sitting in Coco. ill be sprying since 10 days now and only saw few pistils turning Brownish. Its my first time over here reversing normaly ill breed the old way with males n females.
Hey medic grower! I have never grown in coco but I would imagine it would be the same as this form of hydro. In fact I have read that coco will make my PH swings vanish, I have been looking into it. Generally you will start to see some early male flowers by two weeks but I've never seen this type of growth.

Keep watching those pistils that have turned brown. The male pods will emerge from them. That's how it starts from what I have seen. I'm still learning too haha!

I use a fine spray and only concentrate on the flowers, not the leaves. In fact I move leaves out of the way to direct the spray right on the flowers. It gets rather difficult to move the leaves as they get bigger but you will be rewarded.

I only use homemade CS for what it's worth.

Just my "My 2 cents"


Edit: I re-read your post. I should say this is the first time I have ever tried to reverse a clone. This is my first successful cloning of an auto too. I'm happy so far ;)

I honestly think our hydroponics method buys us some time since plants seem to grow longer, at least in my DWC experience. How far along in flower is the mother?
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Ah okay thought u did it several Times already :) I use Cs which a friend made me. Hes working at a big Chemical Company and they did it as a fun project for me in the Laboratoy.
Ah okay thought u did it several Times already :) I use Cs which a friend made me. Hes working at a big Chemical Company and they did it as a fun project for me in the Laboratoy.

I've reversed seed plants but never a clone.
On the PH...

I still have the falling PH but it has got easier to manage thanks to just adding tap well water. The PH out of tap is about 8.0 so it raises it nicely. It also seems to be more forgiving unlike PH up that spikes it out of control when you add too much. They seem to drink about as much as needed to pour in to correct the solution.
Just another update on the clone. The flower clusters are getting larger but not getting more full. There will still be more than enough pollen for my tiny project if the flowers cooperate this time around. I really am getting everything I hoped for!

I posed her with a soda can to give a size reference:

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Should also post a new pic of a budding site on the mother. I think the clone and her should develop at the same time. Whew!:clap:

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Hey stopped by to check things out and seems like things are going well, much better than mine, or at least much quicker. I didn't get sacks till like day 24 and then some, wish I had the response you had, but in due time. Lookin good bro..
Hey stopped by to check things out and seems like things are going well, much better than mine, or at least much quicker. I didn't get sacks till like day 24 and then some, wish I had the response you had, but in due time. Lookin good bro..

Thanks FreeLivin! I will get some pics up tomorrow night, been out of town all day. I am pretty amazed at her growth and look forward to sharing this weeks progress. She has grown exactly like a true male. Her flowering is on long spikes and are airy, again just like a true genetic male.

All that being said, still no open flowers yet... Some weird claw like first flowers but none that are producing pollen. I just hope this is the first of very good things to come.