Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Holy duplicate posts batman!! Sorry for that, not sure where those came from...
Thanks for sharing the info. It's going to be a week or two before I'm up and running. I am going to start the plants for my next grow in the Aerogarden and then transplant them into my hydro unit. I'll touch base with you once I am up and running.:tiphat:
Fantastic! It really works great as a plant starter! Don't be concerned with the size the of basket. I can attest that the root grows just fine with it. My last seed grew so well in the Aerogarden that it was only in it for one week before I transplanted it into the main bucket. Have a great day!
Just a weekly update.

She is filling out well in the nodes. There are definite flowers forming and I have boosted spraying to twice a day.

I do have to admit the mother is very slow to flower. This was a tremendous stroke of luck to come across this strain as a first time trial. Her clone seems to be flowering much faster than the mother. Hopefully I will see some male flower formation soon.

DSCF0111 - Copy.jpg
Well yesterday's nute change was a waste of money! I looked closer at the top of the clone and there are very pronounced male pods starting to form. To be compliant with my experimental protocol I changed out the solution today and replaced with 1/2 strength flowering ratio. They are hard to see in the pic because I had to get it so enlarged but one is clearly visible on the top right:

male pod - Copy.jpg

This is only 11 days of spraying! I can't figure out if it's because it's a clone or if the strain is just faster to reverse than others. I am leaning towards the clone theory though. It stands to reason that if the clone has a limited root system at first it will be absorbing as much moisture from the leaves as possible. And that would make it absorb the CS like a sponge...

Both clone and mother are starting to be a hassle in DWC. The ppm stays about the same but the PH drops like a lead balloon. Sometimes a full point and a half overnight! Plants are both happy and healthy, roots look great. If I didn't keep adjusting I doubt they would be though. The solution will drop all the way down to 4.5 if I let it. Any suggestions out there?
Howdy guys! Was going through my threads and noticed I forgot to note that I added 4 cups of tap (well) water to the gallon jug before adding the rest in RO, then nutes, when I remixed to flowering.

This will bring the tap percentage to 25%. 16 cups in a gallon, four cups would be 1/4th. Hoping this will work to act as a buffer. I did 2 cups (a rounded up 10%) before but obviously no effects from that small of an amount.

The only advice I can find is that when your PPM stays roughly the same but your PH goes down it is because there is no buffer in the water. Many suggest CAL/MAG, which I have, but I would rather try the hard water first since I don't like to go outside of natural where I don't have to.

I've slowly dropped the clone's res down to 6.02 throughout the day. Lights are on all night so she will be actively growing by the time I check tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will be rock solid where I left it tonight. I am a little jaded however:no:
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It would be awesome if cuttings from auto parents that are sprayed, flower before the mother. Very cool. Reversing the whole large mother and pollinaing the cutting woudl waste so much potential bud and seeds. Being able to use pollen from the cutting on the big mother would be killer.
It would be awesome if cuttings from auto parents that are sprayed, flower before the mother. Very cool. Reversing the whole large mother and pollinaing the cutting woudl waste so much potential bud and seeds. Being able to use pollen from the cutting on the big mother would be killer.

It's looking like that's exactly what's going on here :) I am especially impressed with how fast the clone is reversing. I have had plants take a month or so before full conversion and flower.

Unfortunately it is looking like I will have to say hello to my friend PH down again soon. This morning the PH of the clone res was down to 5.74 already. I don't get this at all, very frustrating!
nben, I have my Aerogarden supplies and an external air pump. Can you point me to any resources that explain the basics of breeding Feminized seeds? Thanks in advance!