Aerogarden CS Sex Change

OK I got a second wind and decided to do the update.

As I said the clone has taken on definite genetically true male traits, including long airy growth. I have never seen this in a reversal. They usually look like females but instead of hairs they grow pods.

Here is the clone today, 23 days from first CS application:

far_shot - Copy.jpg

Also as I said there have been no open flowers yet. There have been a few claw like freaky flowers but they don't produce any pollen. I have been told by my reversal mentor that this is completely normal so I am not that concerned.

It stretched into the light bulb so I had to trim some burned leaves which is why the very top looks a little sparse.

I do have some flowers that look like they will start opening soon:

closeup - Copy.jpg

Since everything seems to be getting so close to pollen release I have slowed misting down to one time a day, and then sparingly. We all know that pollen is killed on contact with moisture so I am trying everything in my power to not kill the pollen before it gets a chance to release.

I hope next week I will have shots of open flowers. I will post as soon as they develop. I am really surprised that the reversal seems to be on track with the mother development. She's growing hairs everyday more and more so hopefully by the time pollen flies there will be enough hairs to impregnate her.
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Mission Accomplished! I was tending to the clone today and saw an unopened flower pod laying on a leaf. I picked it up and a small puff of pollen came out. They are not open like full flowers but I am getting pollen. Here is a blurry closeup:

pollen - Copy.jpg

This was just from a tap with the tweezers.

I have begun pollination as well. As soon as pistils change I will post pics.
It looks like patience holds a big part in reversals, as we all know. There are a couple that look like they will soon be fully formed flowers. I will get pics up after they are open.

Having read all the doom and gloom about cloning autos I have felt like this guy ever since seeing that pollen yesterday:


"Bailers Booya"
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Nice bro. Patience isn't my strong suit, I've def ruined a few now trying to help em out a lil prematurely, plus I'm so much further back than you I'm running outta time..

Keep up the good work bro...
Thanks FreeLivin!

I am definitely thinking that the hydro had a lot to do with it. Obviously you don't need an Aerogarden. In fact, I now don't even use the light timer that is in it, just bought another figure 8 power cable on eBay and hooked that up to a timer. I like the Aerogarden in that it's neat and self contained but I see no reason why one can't make their own small reservoir and use tiny net pots and rockwool. You could just have a small light fixture with a CFL over it. Basically you are making a rapid rooter and then using it to grow the plant out.

As I have said before I think that the clone absorbs any water on the leaves like a sponge so the CS is rapidly took up.

I have read this and saw it personally, the clone seems to go straight into flower as soon as roots form. This seems to actually help with timing and even the CS application. The clone seemed to develop much faster than the mother. This is a good thing since the reversal takes a while to complete.

I'm not sure if my protocol had any benefit but I will certainly be sticking with it after seeing the results that it had on this clone.

Don't give up! If you don't want to spend the money on the Aerogarden I urge you to look into small DIY hydro units. I think this is our answer to not having to spend money on genetics each time we grow. I feel this has huge breeding potential too.
sorry if this has been posted but did you snip a branch from an auto nlxbb and this is the cutting rooted and reversed?

great job and what a new way to make seed
No sorry its a couple trials, the first ones were from seed. I was trying to completely reverse an entire plant. This last one was a Spliff Seeds White Widow clone. I can see how it would be confusing this thread has been around for a while haha!

Thanks for having a look! I really think if I can duplicate this repeatedly this could be our answer to having to buy seeds all the time. Truthfully, I don't mind at all giving money to my breeders for the seed genetics. They do a hell of a lot of work. What I do mind is that scary wait for the package to arrive. I don't like the idea of Big Brother finding my seeds in the mail :/
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Well those flowers that look to be opening actually half open and then fall off the plant. I am impressed by the pollen they give though! Hairs on pollination branch seem to be drying up.... We shall see!
Hey Nben are you manually pollinating? Did you start spraying before you put it into 12/12?

If youre not manually pollinating when are you going to introduce the female?
Hey Realcarlos! No, never had it under 12/12. The Aerogarden has a seed starting mode that is on 18/6, which it grew with for most of it's life. I did recently switch her over to a regular timer (you just get another figure 8 plug and bypass the one on the unit) and have her under 20/4.

I started spraying immediately after seeing hairs, which was immediately after seeing roots. Like I said auto's seem to start flowering right after getting their roots.

I am manually pollinating. I am just collecting the open pods that fall on the grow deck and using a tweezers gently rubbing them on the mother's flowers. I have a branch that is marked off with a twist tie to make sure I stick with the same branch. I think these pistils are starting to wither, which is what I am after.

After I am positive this branch has been fertilized I am going to keep growing the clone in hopes of collecting pollen for future breeding. Not sure what I would want to do it with yet but I am positive somewhere down the line something will pop out at me :O)

Edit: On that seed starting mode: It gets annoying because you have to keep resetting the unit to keep it there, it only stays in that mode for a month or so. Another reason I switched to the timer.