Outdoor 55° North

hmm was looking forward to this,then missed the half of it :face: cbg is looking the tits :thumbsup: bit of an iffy start weatherwise...but it is what it is :coffee2: and its lookin rather nice :coffee:
good luck n keep er lit
Cheers Arch. CBG looked great, but didn't deliver structure wise, buds were light and airy, and thats being generous. Nice flavoursome smoke though.
Malawi x NL is great, lovely heavy hitting lemony bud. Great structure to her to, you can barely tell she was an outdoor grow
a little update. Auto Malawi x NL, love the structure on her, massive fans, typical christmas tree shape.

Auto Orange Bud, stayed small

Then we have another Malawi x NL, she recovered well from the caterpillar damage, still behind but making a charge


Fogotten Cookies

Star Ryder
:smokeout: Ribbz' and mates... :toke: .... I'm digging the new crop man! And I have to catch up on the other Zam's too,...:thumbsup:
A little update from the garden. I now have, Zamaldelica Auto nearly done, she was an overspill from a crowded tent, Star Ryder, Malwai x NL, a Forgotten Cookies, another Zamaldelica, Skyler White, and another baby Malawi x NL.
Skyler White has been savaged by some sort of larvae, little green bastards I spotted one day on the underside of the baby leaves. Same with my baby Malawi x NL, I think it was butterflies, they have been trying to get to my cauliflower and broccoli plants, but I have put a net over them, so I think they went for the next best thing, my canna, little fuckers. I wont clog up the server with pics of the babies, so I just stick with the bigger girls for now
Auto Zamaldelica, nearly done
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Auto Malawi x NL, gonna be huge, she's only just kicked out her first pistils, she's nearly 50cms tall now, fans like dinner plates
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Finishing outside is the ticket Ribbz, all my tent girls sunbath during bloom... save some energy $, plus the UV enrichment of THC/terp's! ... StarRyder, one the very first auto's I tried; I got a stick bud because I sucked back then :rofl:, bud it was good stick bud, and full purp's as well... DP Tony said that's a lurker pheno' out there,...:eyebrows:
A bit frustrating on the auto CBG- :doh:... expecting far better frankly, but whaddya gonna do? As you saw, that shite Night Queen is the weirdest degenerate POS plant I've had yet, she just got big and leggy, buds are fuzzy no-trich, no smell garbage... double pissed because the stem rub aroma was hinting at that strawberry aroma pheno! But now she mature enough to make the call - :bummer: .....Time to fire off a couple quickies maybe.... the wonky start and this pig pheno has thrown my timing off some for tent growing, and I don't want to be totally crushed by Fall harvest! I have zero help with any of it,... But my being a variety slut usually wins out! :rofl: ... I may try a olde school Mephisto, Blue Cush or Sour Blues (any feedback on them?)... and a speedy Green Poison auto- :drool:... GP, a must try if you've not yet!
:cuss: Bloody caterpillars are getting busy early on me too mate! I don't know if you can get it over there, but SNS209 is a great systemic based on rosemary oil,... makes the tissue take like crap to them :finger:... it does help a lot, but it takes a little while to build level up, and down side is you have to stop using it 2-3 weeks before harvest for it to get metabolized out, right when bud worm is at it's greatest threat = :doh: ..... This new spot, I get an as yet un-ID'ed caterpillar species, eggs laid in a tight group; little shits then literally group-mow the upper surface clean off on the undersides of the leaves! Caught then early though this time... the others are those ones that swiss-cheese the leaves with holes, and "hide" by standing erect at an angle to mimic a stem....

:headbang: should be a fab' finish of the season for you Ribbz, and well stocked for Winter! :d5:
Bloody caterpillars are getting busy early on me too mate! I don't know if you can get it over there, but SNS209 is a great systemic based on rosemary oil,... makes the tissue take like crap to them :finger:... it does help a lot, but it takes a little while to build level up, and down side is you have to stop using it 2-3 weeks before harvest for it to get metabolized out, right when bud worm is at it's greatest threat = :doh: ..... This new spot, I get an as yet un-ID'ed caterpillar species, eggs laid in a tight group; little shits then literally group-mow the upper surface clean off on the undersides of the leaves! Caught then early though this time... the others are those ones that swiss-cheese the leaves with holes, and "hide" by standing erect at an angle to mimic a stem....

:headbang: should be a fab' finish of the season for you Ribbz, and well stocked for Winter! :d5:
I had a look for SNS209, can't find it over here, but I have found a few old timers tricks to try next year, making some sprays ect.
But one thing I have noticed, the butterflies lay their eggs, they germinate, but then the caterpillars, for what ever reason, walk off the plant. They don't like it. They eat for a day or 2, then they go :shrug: on an adult plant, it's not too bad, half a leaf here and there, but when it's the first set of leaves, on an Auto, it's more or less game over
these little swines :cuss:

they give little green caterpillars

little clusters of eggs

Next year, I'll net my seedlings, along with my Brassicas, my naivety let me down this year. It's like fucking warfare out there
Update from the garden.
Been on a Ribbz family relaxation, regeneration holiday. Girls stayed home, linked 'em up to an automatic water system from Hozelock, along with all the veg and fruit, and it did a stellar job. It has a light sensor, and can water once at sun up, once at sun down everyday, or you can programme it to do loads of other stuff, time it waters for, alternate days ect, highly reccomended. Came home to happy, healthy plants. My older Malawi x NL has been on a trip, she stands a meter tall now, starting to pump out some disco powder on her flowers. Forgotton Cookies is really having it right now, I think she will overtake Old Malawi by the end of the week. the rest are just looking sexy, enjoying our lovely sunshine
Malawi x NL

HubbaBubbaHaze, stayed small, but my oh my, she STINKS, just like the last time

Forgotton Cookies

Star Ryder


Malawi x NL

Group shot
I had a look for SNS209, can't find it over here, but I have found a few old timers tricks to try next year, making some sprays ect.
But one thing I have noticed, the butterflies lay their eggs, they germinate, but then the caterpillars, for what ever reason, walk off the plant. They don't like it. They eat for a day or 2, then they go :shrug: on an adult plant, it's not too bad, half a leaf here and there, but when it's the first set of leaves, on an Auto, it's more or less game over
these little swines :cuss:

they give little green caterpillars

little clusters of eggs

Next year, I'll net my seedlings, along with my Brassicas, my naivety let me down this year. It's like fucking warfare out there

:vibe: such is OD life! ...leaf munchers are annoying enough, but for me, it's the dreaded bud worms that are the real SOB's- :cuss:...these bastards can handle the trich's somehow, and foul the bud plus open it up to mold infection!
...eggs are single white globes,...

Ribbzzy, is there a Bt product available over there? A couple bitres of that on a leaf will infect their guts and close the party down! :amazon:

:ladies: girls looks great,.. I like seeing them au natural too, just to see how they build up.... :greenthumb:

How has the Zam' smoke treating you and the lucky ones? :smoking:
:vibe: such is OD life! ...leaf munchers are annoying enough, but for me, it's the dreaded bud worms that are the real SOB's- :cuss:...these bastards can handle the trich's somehow, and foul the bud plus open it up to mold infection!
...eggs are single white globes,...

Ribbzzy, is there a Bt product available over there? A couple bitres of that on a leaf will infect their guts and close the party down! :amazon:

:ladies: girls looks great,.. I like seeing them au natural too, just to see how they build up.... :greenthumb:

How has the Zam' smoke treating you and the lucky ones? :smoking:
We have got BT products over here, I've just been spying on the tinternet. Never knew about that stuff, organic too, thanks for the heads up :cheers:

I have really enjoyed letting them go, and not spending hours tying down. It's such a sexy plant, having them dotted in amongst my Broccoli, toms, peas ect, my Mrs has hardly even noticed them 'hiding in plain sight'
My neighbour came for a tour of the garden, she didn't once comment on my 'special tomatoes' either she didn't see them, or was being very polite in not talking about it :haha:

The Zamaldelica is intriguing. 3 very different phenos. Almost like 3 different strains. Outdoor finish girl is my favourite......so far. Opening the jar, it's over ripe mango, you know when fruit is almost fermenting, that acrid, alcohol fruit smell, mixed in with a little carrot. She is the strongest smoke too, gives lucid dreams at night, a real head fucker. Much denser buds, almost indica like

Big indoor girl is just straight up lemon assault. Lemon juice, lemon peel, mixed with lemoncello, add more lemon. It's offensively lemony. Lovely floaty high, slightly giggly, quite 'dopey' herb. Makes me lazy though, so this is my later in the day strain. Typical sativa bud structure

Smaller indoor girl is my go to smoke. Energetic, very soaring high. Perfect morning herb. The smell is sweet, and earthy, with emphasis on the sweet. She reminds me of cheap penny sweets you'd get as a kid, artificial plastic sweetness, with that hint of factory :rofl:

But if this is what Ace Seeds are aiming for with their auto range, they are shooting in the correct direction

They haven't really finished the cure yet, another few weeks to settle, and I'll throw up some smoke reports

I'll stick some nug shots up later
@ Ribbz, looking great there mate, same here, have to watch for pests, here its gnats and thrips, been lucky with catapillars
I've had a few black fly try to set up shop in the flowers, I got handy with a spray bottle, squirted them into oblivion.
Little harvestman spiders have helped me out no end, there are at least 2 on each plant, I'm sure they are helping keep pests down
My Zamaldelicas which are 3 from Ace and 3 from NightOwl are all very different phenos too. Some are very thin leafed Sativa looking some 50/50 hybrid looking and some with rather large leaves. The smells are very different also ranging from rank dank rotten fruit to earthy carrot and the one plant I kept indoors has almost no smell at all. If you didn’t know you would think they were all different strains also. They all seem to love the outdoors so far at 5 1/2 weeks and range in height from 3-4’. They all have some nitrogen sensitivity and are light feeders so far which is the only thing they have in common it seems. I am going to make some feminized crosses between the best Ace’s and NightOwls to start inbreeding the line and selecting for the most Sativa leaning phenos. I have no idea what the real deal photo is like from Ace so I will go on personal preference. Nice looking girls @Ribbzzy ! How many auto Zamaldelicas have you grown out now?