Outdoor 55° North

Your girls look outstanding! Picture perfect.
cheers. I took cookies down today, I spotted a tiny bit of mould, she was nearly done, another week maybe, but better safe than sorry, Star Ryder comes down today too. Malawi and Zamaldelica soldier on still
:headbang: lovely greenhouse Ribbzz! ...bless it too for it's timely set-up, "rain" is a four letter word! :doh: :rofl: ... I'm with you on the auto Zam's, even at F3 you'd think that you would have had a couple same pheno's, but I gather each has been a proverbial black sheep in the family,... all very good, but still! :shrug:... How about the NL x Malawi's, better for stability? At some point I'd love to see you do a brief pheno' overview of them both, but Zam especially.... :thumbsup: You have owned this strain mate, and have the most experience I've seen with it so far! At another small forum, I'm seeing more interest in both of them. ACE is making a bit of a splash with these girls- :eyebrows: ..... Where's the love Ribbzz', drop some porn on us here, ay? :rofl: :thanks:
:headbang: lovely greenhouse Ribbzz! ...bless it too for it's timely set-up, "rain" is a four letter word! :doh: :rofl: ... I'm with you on the auto Zam's, even at F3 you'd think that you would have had a couple same pheno's, but I gather each has been a proverbial black sheep in the family,... all very good, but still! :shrug:... How about the NL x Malawi's, better for stability? At some point I'd love to see you do a brief pheno' overview of them both, but Zam especially.... :thumbsup: You have owned this strain mate, and have the most experience I've seen with it so far! At another small forum, I'm seeing more interest in both of them. ACE is making a bit of a splash with these girls- :eyebrows: ..... Where's the love Ribbzz', drop some porn on us here, ay? :rofl: :thanks:
The greenhouse has been a godsend, I've got my second crop potatoes in there too now, I'm just getting it prep'd for the spring, I'm planning to grow at least 50% of our veg using it, and the new plots I've been working on, that's why I've not updated too much, I forgot how fucking knackering manual labour is :rofl:

I've now got a bit of an idea of what Auto Zamaldelica should be, it's the head fuck outdoor finish girl :worship:
The one I have finishing now in the greenhouse, is exactly like her, same structure, bud structure, smell, vigour, it's a perfect twin, so I think this is the one. :eyebrows:

And what a one, the high is intense, and so long, 4-5 hours

Malawi was much more uniform across all of the plants I grew, though the one I have finishing now, has a much more fruity fragrance, the others have been citrus, and wet earth, this one is a little more creamy fruity, but the bud structure is exactly the same.

I also found 2 perfectly formed seeds in the outdoor finish head fuck girl, I have no idea how they got there, a nanner perhaps, or a bit of rogue pollen when placed outdoor? I've saved them, I'll throw them in the garden next year

Where shall I write up some smoke reports? Shall I just throw them up here?

I'll get pics up ASAP

*EDIT* one other thing of note, the Zam and Malawi have huge mould resistance. Malawi in particular is very very hardy.
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Last of my Auto Zamaldelica's. This one was started and finished outside. Huge mould fighting capabilities, one for next year outdoor for sure. This one is in your face fruity, like a funky watermelon wiff. No hint of earth. She is very, very strong in her smell, the last 5 days she has really picked up in her pong. Getting noticably stronger everyday. She picked up some lovely colours in the end too, it has been cold here lately. She hasn't been watered for 4 days, to let her really dry up, and start eating herself a little.

This is the last update for this year. I forgot how much I love outdoor growing. Along with the veg that I've managed to grow, it's been silly productive. Carrots, potatoes, onions, beetroot, cabbage, broccolli, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, leeks, garlic, strawberries, raspberries, and a fuck ton of organic, sun grown canna. Glorious.
:cheers: Ribbzz' mate, how's it going?

The greenhouse has been a godsend, I've got my second crop potatoes in there too now, I'm just getting it prep'd for the spring, I'm planning to grow at least 50% of our veg using it, and the new plots I've been working on, that's why I've not updated too much, I forgot how fucking knackering manual labour is
:smoking: Boy do I hear you on that! I did some weed mat laying at work earlier this year, a lot of squatting, crawling, up-and-down grunting about... My ass was literally sore- :rofl:... Good thing you have plenty of pain med's around! The fresh, delicious produce is a very nice bonus too, a nice variety you grew too...Yum! I don't have the property for that, but friends do a small garden each year. The tomatoes this season were to die for, the brix levels were crazy, sweetest tommie's I've ever tasted!:drool:

I've now got a bit of an idea of what Auto Zamaldelica should be, it's the head fuck outdoor finish girl :worship:
The one I have finishing now in the greenhouse, is exactly like her, same structure, bud structure, smell, vigour, it's a perfect twin, so I think this is the one. :eyebrows:

And what a one, the high is intense, and so long, 4-5 hours
That would be the one above here, right? :drool: oh man, melon aromatics are most enticing! Duly noted on this pheno', and her fierce high and potency...:greenthumb: She's a classic Fall beauty Ribbzz, and ripened like fine fruit! Did that aroma hold through drying?
That seals it mate, I have to find a way to get some auto Zam' in me hands. I assume since it's still an R&D strain, it's not carried by other seed banks that feature ACE seeds,... Honestly, with the severity of their shipping restrictions, how do the make a bizz of it all? I still want that Zam' x KaliChina too, I'd even risk a try with Golden Tiger given her said mold resistance! Now, if they would just make a GT auto, right? :woohoo1:
Ribbzz, please post some nice sparkly dry porn please! :bow::rofl:
:cheers: Ribbzz' mate, how's it going?

:smoking: Boy do I hear you on that! I did some weed mat laying at work earlier this year, a lot of squatting, crawling, up-and-down grunting about... My ass was literally sore- :rofl:... Good thing you have plenty of pain med's around! The fresh, delicious produce is a very nice bonus too, a nice variety you grew too...Yum! I don't have the property for that, but friends do a small garden each year. The tomatoes this season were to die for, the brix levels were crazy, sweetest tommie's I've ever tasted!:drool:

That would be the one above here, right? :drool: oh man, melon aromatics are most enticing! Duly noted on this pheno', and her fierce high and potency...:greenthumb: She's a classic Fall beauty Ribbzz, and ripened like fine fruit! Did that aroma hold through drying?
That seals it mate, I have to find a way to get some auto Zam' in me hands. I assume since it's still an R&D strain, it's not carried by other seed banks that feature ACE seeds,... Honestly, with the severity of their shipping restrictions, how do the make a bizz of it all? I still want that Zam' x KaliChina too, I'd even risk a try with Golden Tiger given her said mold resistance! Now, if they would just make a GT auto, right? :woohoo1:
Ribbzz, please post some nice sparkly dry porn please! :bow::rofl:
dry porn coming up squire. I've been on my holidays, recharging the Ribs batteries. This stuff is stoopid strong, stoopid stinky. keep in touch bro, I'll be running some Golden Tiger and something else Ace next, I've whet my whistle here, why not dip the whole toe
On another note, a former classmate of my son, 13 years old, has got cancer, a very rare form of brain cancer, he needs treatment that cant be provided here in DK, he has to go to USA to get the treatment, it's gonna cost a small fortune, 600,000 dollars.

A donation page has been set up for him on facebook in the link below

I'd never normally post something like this, but it hit quite close to home

I don't even know whether I'm allowed to post this @Son of Hobbes @Mossy @Waira @TheMongol can you let me know

I'm making RSO for him, as long as they want/need it, and the family are happily taking it

I'm not begging, even on behalf of the family, but the link is there, if anyone wants to donate

If anyone needs a translation, let me know
Thread resurrection for 2020, Corona season!

1st up, Dinafem Haze XXL, Moby Dick XXL, @Dinafem-Mark is the man for sorting these beans out, I'll be breaking my Dinafem cherry on this one.
I'll start them in the greenhouse, then as the weather warms up a little, they can be moved outside for the full outdoor experience. Same procedure as last year, simple.

I'll also be trying some outdoor photo period strains from Female Seeds courtesy of @Mr B. from Female Seeds but they will be started mid to end of may.

I aim to do 3 outdoor harvests this year, I'll start 3 or 4 plants each time, maybe more depending on the work load I have with my new HHHUUUGGGEEE veggie patches.

Following, your last crop looked great!

Did you ever get HFH seeds? I wanted to order some but looks like the website is gone now.