Ribbzz' mate, how's it going?
:smoking: Boy do I hear you on that! I did some weed mat laying at work earlier this year, a lot of squatting, crawling, up-and-down grunting about... My ass was literally sore-

... Good thing you have plenty of pain med's around! The fresh, delicious produce is a very nice bonus too, a nice variety you grew too...Yum! I don't have the property for that, but friends do a small garden each year. The tomatoes this season were to die for, the brix levels were crazy, sweetest tommie's I've ever tasted!
That would be the one above here, right?

oh man, melon aromatics are most enticing! Duly noted on this pheno', and her fierce high and potency...

She's a classic Fall beauty Ribbzz, and ripened like fine fruit! Did that aroma hold through drying?
That seals it mate, I have to find a way to get some auto Zam' in me hands. I assume since it's still an R&D strain, it's not carried by other seed banks that feature ACE seeds,... Honestly, with the severity of their shipping restrictions, how do the make a bizz of it all? I still want that Zam' x KaliChina too, I'd even risk a try with Golden Tiger given her said mold resistance! Now, if they would just make a GT auto, right?

Ribbzz, please post some nice sparkly dry porn please!