Sour Crack is nearly done
Not the most impressive specimen, my fault, but the bud that is there is of the highest quality. By rights I could take her down now, but she seems to be happy, the weather is favourable over the next week, so I think I'll let her plump up a little more. I've been really taking it easy on the watering, kid gloves, I don't want any mould, but so far, she's a little champ. She smells like tangerines.
Out of focus pics....what a doughnut

My apologies, I'll get back out there later to photo the other plants, I'll get some better pics
In other news, when I say it's no joke growing up here, it really is no joke. I lost a load of seedlings in the greenhouse, the automatic windows jammed, the greehouse got up to 60c, cooked a load of babies. Some survived, I had to put these outdoor while I waited to fix the windows, we got hit by a thunderstorm,
HEAVY rain for an hour, and damn near every one was drowned. I salvaged 2 plants from 9
I do love mother nature, but she is SAVAGE sometimes