I've had a minor disaster here, all of my own making. I was moving the plants in a wheelbarrow, I'm not too mobile at the moment, I can't lift anything heavy, I got to the place I was gonna set them, the other end of the garden, put the barrow down......and the fucking thing turned over, the plants hit the path, and snapped them at the stem near the rootball

It's just another thing I'm putting the blame on the wanker in the car that ran me over

Moby Dick and CBG were the effected plants. I think I've managed to save the CBG, I've steaked her up, hit her with BoomBoom spray, and fed her a bit of N, a nice hit of N actually, Moby Dick didn't make it, CBG fell on top of her, she took the full impact, I steaked her up, but pulled her now, another one has been dropped, along with a Malawi x NL Auto, and an Auto Zamaldelica
I also have an overspill plant from my indoor space, Fastbuds Northern Lights
Day 31, Haze XXL, I'll drop another of these in a few weeks
the snap
Northern Lights, day 32, the size difference considering the plants are all the same size is astounding, just shows what Indoor lights can do