Outdoor 55° North

Lorte politikere :doh: Im sure they are under pressure from sweeden too. Anyway, if they took their heads of of their asses, they would see whats happening around the world, and how much money (its all about money) it generates to the sociaty where its legal

-in peace
Yep, and in these austere times, everyone could do with a little extra cash.
I think it will be a long time before any changes take place, maybe not even in my lifetime.
I thought that was the happiest best place to live. It always tops the lists for best places to live. How can they be so happy without legal weed.?
Prozac mate :pighug:

Every cunt and their brother eat them like sweets here

Denmark consume more anti depressants per head than the USA

@Ribbzzy is that true about the Prozac? That’s hilarious if true no wonder they are so happy.

Well, its easy to make a survey saying the danes are some of the happiest ppl in the world...Its all about who you ask. Im sure noone asked the homeless and the mentally ill not able to get treatment, as the government have cutted down everywhere regarding healthcare, even tho' we pay the highest taxes in the world....I dont give a flying fuck for those surveys tbh...Its fake like allmost everything else on the medias....Grumpy bastard i am, i know

-in peace
Well, its easy to make a survey saying the danes are some of the happiest ppl in the world...Its all about who you ask. Im sure noone asked the homeless and the mentally ill not able to get treatment, as the government have cutted down everywhere regarding healthcare, even tho' we pay the highest taxes in the world....I dont give a flying fuck for those surveys tbh...Its fake like allmost everything else on the medias....Grumpy bastard i am, i know

-in peace
Man after my own heart. :crying:

I'm just the same mate, many days my Mrs just stares at the ceiling, thinking, when is this doughnut gonna stop preaching AT me :haha:
Kid of a sore spot I take it. Are you guys happy or is it all media bs @Ribbzzy @Bald Monkey ?

To be honest, im quite happy that im living in Denmark, compared to some other countries. We do pay high taxes, but then again, we have free medic care, and i do get some very expensive meds (Humira and others) for free. But, there's room for improvements i think. The gap between high and low is getting bigger and bigger, and thats not what i understand as a wellfare sociaty as we like to say we have here in Denmark. Im way too stoned to write a long story about whats good and bad here, but for the most, im a happy monkey

-in peace
Kid of a sore spot I take it. Are you guys happy or is it all media bs @Ribbzzy @Bald Monkey ?
It's bollocks mate. People here are just as pissed of as most places. Everyone has their own problems, just like anywhere else.

I think the reason Denmark tops the polls so much, is because lot's of people in the USA would like to adopt 'The Danish Model' (google it) they say we are the best example of Socialism :rofl: Bernie Sanders is always saying it, Alexandria Occasionaly Coherent is another parrot. So say Danes are always happiest, spread the news in your propaganda machine, they are a Socialist country, lets do Socialism......morons! People really do believe what they read, read it over and over, it becomes truth

Just for the record, Denmark is a free market, capitalist, welfare based society, with high taxes. Not a drop of socialism is involved
Kid of a sore spot I take it. Are you guys happy or is it all media bs @Ribbzzy @Bald Monkey ?
BUT, I love it here. My kids are safe, there isn't many hard drugs, crime isn't too rampant, I earn I fuck ton of money, I've had 2 operations since I've lived here, they were gratis, the care I recieved was top notch. I'm on country number 5, and this system, though it could improve, like any system involving so many people and so many differing problems, it's the best. People are GENERALLY looked after. The streets are clean, and it has a good vibe, it's homogeneous, people celeberate being Danish, it's rare now-a-days to be so nationalistic, it's nice