Outdoor 55° North

I just talk them into it @Ribbzy lol. Yes mainly good ole STS and will be testing some others too. Don’t tell anyone how easy this is to do.
As for the Delicious CNH I have read good things but have yet to grow it out myself so I cannot recommend it as of yet. WOS’s auto Neville’s sucks? I may avoid that one then. How long ago was it that you grew out the NHR @Ribbzzy ? I think they improved it once or twice since introducing. That is a tall order for a true auto Neville’s.
Limited outdoor space? If so you could trigger early flowering by rootbounding them in 10l containers you dig down. I used to have a lot of semi-sized plants in congested plots that way.

Is indy or sativa your thing? If indy is your thing then try the leb27 V2 as well, if you want sativa then try the leb27 S. Both are great against mold, got like 90% purple phenos and finish in september if you root restrict around here. But I am at 61n, and you are at 55n, so that will be late august\earliest sept. for you.
Not limited space as such. I've got loads of room, but it's all being used by kids, and the rest thats mine, is ok for me to grow in, but plants have to be mobile, incase of visits of kids friends, visits of kids friends Mums or Dads, neighbours ect, I've gotta be able to hide them if need be. I just thought Autos would be the way to go, I could get in 3-4 crops outdoor with Autos.
I just talk them into it @Ribbzy lol. Yes mainly good ole STS and will be testing some others too. Don’t tell anyone how easy this is to do.
I'm gonna start my own little breeding thing this year. I'll send you some when I'm finished
As for the Delicious CNH I have read good things but have yet to grow it out myself so I cannot recommend it as of yet. WOS’s auto Neville’s sucks? I may avoid that one then. How long ago was it that you grew out the NHR @Ribbzzy ? I think they improved it once or twice since introducing. That is a tall order for a true auto Neville’s.
This was maybe 5 years ago, so it may have improved. I ran the Afghan Kush Ryder, that blew me away. Maybe it might be time for another try of Nevilles Haze Ryder again
So, day 10, on my early start, northern hemisphere grow. I'm impressed so far. Plants are getting around 13 hours full sunlight per day, temps are still not up very much, maybe 17 degrees in full sun, but in the shade, it's still beans. I'd be happy with this growth indoor, well, you know what I mean, they are doing better than I thought out here
My CBG made it up first, but the Malawi x NL has long taken over
Auto CBG

Auto Malawi x NL

I took photos as the sun was going down, so they both look a little sad, I told ya, out of the sun, it's still Baltic
Yes sir we can swap some seeds my friend @Ribbzzy .I am kinda in a holding pattern over here until Mephisto gets things straightened out. I just hate having to get them second hand so to speak and the new artisanals aren’t available anywhere else. I was hoping to work with mostly sativas. I think you will be happy once the little Malawi auto takes hold and reaches for the sky. What size pots are you running? It’s not legal in Denmark?
Yes sir we can swap some seeds my friend @Ribbzzy .I am kinda in a holding pattern over here until Mephisto gets things straightened out. I just hate having to get them second hand so to speak and the new artisanals aren’t available anywhere else. I was hoping to work with mostly sativas. I think you will be happy once the little Malawi auto takes hold and reaches for the sky. What size pots are you running? It’s not legal in Denmark?
yeah I saw what was happening with their payment services provider, shit news that is.

I'm growing them 15 liter pots, fabric pots. I've manged to squeeze 18 liters of soil in there though.

No, it's not legal here. It's been on the cards for a long time, but not enough people (politicians in the pockets of the various HUGE medical companies we have based here) have had their 'palms greased'

The police seem happy to play cat and mouse, raking in millions of kroner per year on fines they hand out for small amounts of weed, growing, possession ect. The police here are really a business, with quotas and targets to meet. They are basically here to fine people, not to police. If your house gets burgled, or bike stolen, you don't even get to talk to a real policeman, you have to report it to their website, purely to get a crime number to claim insurance.

Get this, tobbacco can now be illegal in Denmark. In Europe we have the habit of putting tobbacco in our joints. In Denmark, if you are found with a joint, they weigh the joint, and fine you according to it's weight. But if you have a 50/50 ratio of weed and tobbacco, half the joint is only weed, but they fine the whole thing. Money, money, money.
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yeah I saw what was happening with their payment services provider, shit news that is.

I'm growing them 15 liter pots, fabric pots. I've manged to squeeze 18 liters of soil in there though.

No, it's not legal here. It's been on the cards for a long time, but not enough people (politicians in the pockets of the various HUGE medical companies we have based here) have had their 'palms greased'

The police seem happy to play cat and mouse, raking in millions of kroner per year on fines they hand out for small amounts of weed, growing, possession ect. The police here are really a business, with quotas and targets to meet. They are basically here to fine people, not to police. If your house gets burgled, or bike stolen, you don't even get to talk to a real policeman, you have to report it to their website, purely to get a crime number to claim insurance.

Get this, tobbacco can now be illegal in Denmark. In Europe we have the habit of putting tobbacco in our joints. In Denmark, if you are found with a joint, they weigh the joint, and fine you according to it's weight. But if you have a 50/50 ratio of weed and tobbacco, half the joint is only weed, but they fine the whole thing. Money, money, money.

Lorte politikere :doh: Im sure they are under pressure from sweeden too. Anyway, if they took their heads of of their asses, they would see whats happening around the world, and how much money (its all about money) it generates to the sociaty where its legal

-in peace