Day 39 - 6th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 880ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

73-84f Leaf Surface Temp

60-65% RH

4" Light Height

I think the canopy was a bit too thick and I wanted to avoid excessively stripping since it is shedding leaves every week. Still around 50 days left but I think around day 56-63 I'll change the lights to 10.5/13.5 until harvest. Im thinking I'll lower the feed around 50-66% around day 56 and last week that I decide to harvest I presume that I'll stop watering and let them sit them in darkness for two weeks.

That's the plan, maybe, Idk.


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 42 - 7th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 1140ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

4" Light Height

I stopped the excessive yellowing and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is going to be a yielder. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] isn't really fattening and to have been they most vigorous is the most disappointing. If the smoke is right it will be between #'s 1/2/4/5/6. The cold temps have brought out a lot of oranges and reds in the pistils of the more mature plants.

Not a lot of pictures. Mothers are doing great in the Growpito with the same nutrients and a foliar.

Clones have roots to the bottom of the 5 gallon buckets and are doing quite well. I've cropped them once for training and because their height was more than I wanted. Over my past and current grow I've come to notice that thin, spindly stems don't produce anything unfortunately.

With the clones I've tied them down and fimmed to let lower branches develop height, I'm thinking 12", and ill have them circle the buckets to start an even canopy. I'll fim them at 12" and them down. Hopefully I can get more thick stems than thin ones with more nodes than what I've accomplished this first run. I figured with a 8-10 week veg I'll have enough time to prune weaker branches and be able to transition into flower immediately without the problems I've had this grow.


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 44 - 7th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 1140ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

8" Light Height

11/13 Light Schedule

So at this point I have 5 weeks left according to Ace Seeds. I forgot I had a second net for my scrog so I threw it up since I had branches falling over and it made the canopy a lot more uniform. Defoliated some more and buds below the net are developing well. Unsure of the cold nights affecting color but the red pistils are developing quickly on the more mature plants. Checked everything with a microscope and trichomes are still clear.

No burning from the higher ppm and while I miss my pure blend pro and liquid karma I think the Jack's FeED is doing well.

I raised the lights because while I was testing some of this bud I got to thinking about inverse square law and how at a certain height light will overlap. I could be wrong but I raised my light up just to see. I figured, bro science, that with 1344 diodes all facing down some overlap should occur.


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Hard to see much room for improvement man, you're acing it haha :shooty:

You are of course right about overlap, but I think it's very theoretical, and it begs the question where on the plant the optimal DLI spot is, does plants have a DLI control center, can excess DLI be transferred to starving areas, or is it simply wasted, maybe just partly wasted, etc. etc. ????

My reasoning for sticking with multiple single point lights is flexibility. When I wave the sensor of the Apogee MQ-500, at a distance of 10-15 cm, the drop-off in par reading tapers off slowly and much more gradually. Panels or strips makes angling and scaling both valleys and summits problematic, it becomes a march across the flat steppes, Marco Polo revisited haha

Here's some juvenile trays yesterday with some monkeys and haze, the lights are angled and height adjusted as the ladies want haha

CameraZOOM-) 270520190013_1-picsay.jpg
CameraZOOM-) 270520190016-picsay.jpg

Here's a corner amnesia in a 6 l hangpot that's just been put into flower, 1,3 m tall, I wonder what will happen haha, its under a cree 3590 COB running 55 W angled in from the side, I took the main and 4 tallest tops as clones to cut her down to size a bit
CameraZOOM-) 270520190014-picsay.jpg

It drinks about 3 l every day now. For some reason these pots always outproduce everything else, dunno why, it defies reason. I have 2, been thinking about getting some more, it's like an airborne autopot, but at 25 Euro a pop it's a mental leap from filling a tray with 50 cent netpots every few days or so, the disagreeable hard labor lugging feed and vending over to check the nifty float level, not to mention they tend to get top heavy and fall over lol
Excellent work Damien.

With regards to the inverse square law this is only for a point light source, with quantum boards there is a lot of diffusion which is good as it can sneak under the leaves unlike a more focussed light. You can see on this shot that the Viparspectra gives a sharp light and were it not for a nearby qb it would be dark under there.


Tony, this is exactly it, how does the plant appropriate the photons. In the end I think any experienced grower just knows what's right and when adding a bit more is good. My collection is about right at the moment.

Excellent work Damien.

With regards to the inverse square law this is only for a point light source, with quantum boards there is a lot of diffusion which is good as it can sneak under the leaves unlike a more focussed light. You can see on this shot that the Viparspectra gives a sharp light and were it not for a nearby qb it would be dark under there.

View attachment 1064243

Tony, this is exactly it, how does the plant appropriate the photons. In the end I think any experienced grower just knows what's right and when adding a bit more is good. My collection is about right at the moment.

View attachment 1064242

I might run my lights back down to 4" as I noticed at 8" there has been less bud development lower on the branches

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 50 - 8th Week of Flowering(my count is shit, Google corrected me)

Coco coir - 640ppm/5.4 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

8" Light Height

50 days and I haven't killed anything yet. Haven't been paying as much attention to the flowering tent but I have lowered the feed significantly to start leaching for the next three weeks. I have also reduced the amount of feeds from 5 to 3.

Trichomes on the left side of the tent are 99-95% milky while the ones right are budding up with 20-40% milky goodness. [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is disappointing with loose looking buds lacking density and small in neutral. Just goes to show the best plant in veg probably isn't the best in flower.

Still getting the veg room set up, needs white paint, but the mothers are thriving in their 1 gallon pots with Growpito medium and a foliar every 3 days. Clones in the 5 gallon buckets are growing, I think they are still trying to get roots everywhere but that is my fault for not transplanting from a small container first. They won't get put in the flower tent for another 6 weeks though. I used [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] that vegges like shit but stretches hard and flowers fast and also [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG](the runt) that is vegging well, stretches really hard, and packs on big colas.

Otherwise nothing else going on besides getting materials and nutrients together for this semi organic ebb and flow. I'll have to run this strain one more time from clone to flower with completely organic inputs but that's all I have. Thanks for reading


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 53 - 8th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 640ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

4" Light Height

Lowered my lights back down. Just didn't like them so high. Not having any real issues since cutting the ppms down. Not losing a bunch of leaves anymore either. Not really much going on.

Mothers and clones in the 5 gallon buckets are thriving. Yeah I just don't have much going on right now.

Pictures though.

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up