Getting beefier and closer, yeah, it's the boring time, go fishing for a couple of days, might help and the catch can be used as dual purpose food lol
Day 53 - 8th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 640ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

4" Light Height

Lowered my lights back down. Just didn't like them so high. Not having any real issues since cutting the ppms down. Not losing a bunch of leaves anymore either. Not really much going on.

Mothers and clones in the 5 gallon buckets are thriving. Yeah I just don't have much going on right now.

Pictures though.

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
OH-MAN, those girls are lookin fantastic and very happy! Keep up the good work, nice pic's---
Those are looking so good my dude!

I'm honestly surprised I made it this far with no issues lol. Usually a pump floods my room or I lose power or some other shenanigans. Thanks.

Getting beefier and closer, yeah, it's the boring time, go fishing for a couple of days, might help and the catch can be used as dual purpose food lol

I still have to build my ebb and flow setup plus a trickle filter. I don't have the patience for fishing cause I suck at it, I'll probably start trying to get into bio dynamic farming on my acre. My grass and trees look like shit. Though I still have 4 clones vegging but everything is easy mode at this point.

OH-MAN, those girls are lookin fantastic and very happy! Keep up the good work, nice pic's---

The crazy part is the amount of frost and the density of these buds for being a 100% sativa. Thanks for stopping in.
Day 56 - 9th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 640ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

4" Light Height


Getting some nice red pistils. I don't have much going on besides [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] fattening up and changing the light schedule to 10.5/13.5. Pictures though.


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Starting to fatten up? Those babes are getting to the bbw stage :crying: keep it up! I'm so ready to see your haul because those are looking beautiful
Starting to fatten up? Those babes are getting to the bbw stage :crying: keep it up! I'm so ready to see your haul because those are looking beautiful
One of the phenos was slow to flower and has an airy, loose, Christmas tree like structure but the calyx are beginning to swell.

Fingers crossed for 3.5lbs or 2.5 on the low end. Never grown sativas or with LEDs before lol

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 59 - 8th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 640ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

78-84f Leaf Surface Temp - Night Time Temps 62-68f

60-65% RH

4" Light Height

Not much going on again. Mothers and clones are doing great

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Very cool, it looks a heck of a lot better than when Olaf the Hairy, High Chief of all the Vikings, absentmindedly ordered 90.000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside :toke:

Have you seen this from Dubi a few days ago

Which brings up my eternal question once again about measuring EC, and using it as a yardstick for I really dunno what, how do you possibly know what those ppm's are composed of, what is the NPK ratios in your solution?

And being organic with microbes, what are they doing to the ratios and availability in the medium?

I like your move to a shorter light cycle, decreasing DLI boost flowering, I wonder if that also applies to autos. Someone with a big operation, 1000s of plants, should try to find out, and if so, kindly provide protocols and numbers lol :smoking: :crying::crying: