New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric

Hey Mitch, what is that immediately to the left of your Taotronics in the 2nd pic? I can't make it out.

Grow is gong well by the way!


You must be talking about my upside hanging taotronics tower fan that is next to the taotronics humidifier. I hung it up for more ground space in my tiny 2.3x2.3 tent :smoking:
I taped some cardboard over the led lights thinking it would help not light stress my plants

You must be talking about my upside hanging taotronics tower fan that is next to the taotronics humidifier. I hung it up for more ground space in my tiny 2.3x2.3 tent :smoking:
I taped some cardboard over the led lights thinking it would help not light stress my plants
Ah got it, thanks, couldn't figure out what I was looking at in the corner there. Always looking our for new tech ideas for the tent : )
Ah got it, thanks, couldn't figure out what I was looking at in the corner there. Always looking our for new tech ideas for the tent : )

haha I'm the same way, other people seem to have the better ideas than me so i use what i think will work.
I filled up my 7 liter pressure sprayer with 3tsp big bloom and about 1.8 tsp each of tiger bloom and grow big, ph'ed the water to 6.1 (didn't mean to go that low but it works for me)and fed them before lights out.

I gave about half of it to 2 of my plants (teal and blue) they drank it up and spit out a little out.
Teal had droopy leaves looking real thirsty and yellowing of bottom leaves, blue looked good but was light when picked up.
Hey, @Zeromitch! Glad to find your grow, will follow. I’m just getting started on mine, if my beans will ever pop.
Day 33

Fed the other 2 plants today with same nutes from last nights mix. They are drinking faster than ever now, seems like every 2-3 days now.
With 3 weeks to go before harvest, I'm giving each plant 8 cups per day now. They definitely get increasingly thirsty as bud and trich development picks up. Plants are looking good!