New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric

Another question on my mind is my soil level in these containers.
When these plants get taller am I suppose to trim the bottom and add more top soil or leave it be and just live and learn adding more next grow?
or i could trim the fabric down to the handles getting rid of excess material.
Day 19 they getting big and unsure if i should LST, add soil, or lower lights yet. I am seeing white hairs on all the girls :biggrin:

I had to refill the humidifier so I took the chance to spray/rotate them and take a few pics


After looking, I'm maxed out on adjustment height for my lights, i can clip the lights right into the support bar but then its 34" up, right now its 29" on tallest and 30"-31" on the other 3

Decided to lst 2 of the 4, what harm could i do? lol i need to try and learn.
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Day 20

Woke up and redid LST until i was happy with all plants (they sure are getting a stinky smell to them already).
PHing water and will be watering after lunch.
Sorry my LST looks bad, 1st time trying, i did not support the bottom stem as i was happy with the top bend not being to extreme. (side note: will add more soil to final pot next grow)
Day 21 tucking leaves for bottom growth to get some love, will start tying down more stuff tomorrow

I noticed my pics were not full quality at 4-5mb, I stepped it up and now 12.5mb pics are to big, cropped the pic down to 9mb and i can upload now but don't see the thumbnail option to add it here in chat now. I'm trying to upload those big pics i see people posting here but not having much luck.


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Day 22 I tied down things better, tucked some leaves, untied red as she needs more time to get taller. It seems they drink water faster now, pots get lighter faster now. i may water tomorrow if needed.

Noticed amber colored hairs on yellow tagged plant, pic below. Seems kind early for this?
The other pics were to big i guess to thumbnail, sorry still learning how to do this forum stuff.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.03.27 -


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Day 23 My pots were light so i watered and mixed up some cal/mag and 1/2 strength big bloom with my new toy, 7 liter pressure sprayer, way better than dumping in water from a cup, evenly watered 1-1.5 liter each. clipped a few leaves that were just laying on the soil

pic was before watering
Day 24 adjusted tie downs and watered red a little more as she was lighter than the other 3 and I hung my tower fan upside down for more space

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Day 25

I feel like pulling yellow and red out as blue and teal are x2 their growth and it would give me more space to tend to them but i guess I'll keep them as a reminder not to do more than i can handle with what equipment i have. Who knows maybe they catch up in the coming weeks but doubt it.

Edit: lowered lights from 27-29" to 22-24" and changed light hours from 18/6 to 20/4, i hope this is not a mistake

Later edit: Raised lights to 24-26" they looked a little low and unhappy with 4-5 hours at 22-24"
I misted them down and will check tomorrow to see if they are happy

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