
The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
Hi folks, this journal will track progress on my 6th grow: a four-plant tent consisting of a 2nd run of Trainwreck & Sweet Tooth, and a 1st run of Cosmic Queen and Samsquach OG.

SEEDS (4 germinated):
Sweet Seeds: Trainwreck
Barneys Farm: Sweet Tooth
Mephisto: Cosmic Queen & Samsquanch OG

Amare SolarECLIPSE SE450UVB lights
4'x4' Gorilla Grow Tent
Lots of fans to supply, circulate & remove air
Small tent-sized humidifiers & dehumidifiers

Fiber pots; 75% coco, 20% perlite, 5% worm casings
all pots amended with Dolomite & Azomite

Advanced Nutes+:
House and Garden: Roots Excellurator Gold
AN Sensi Coco GROW & BLOOM A/B, B52, Rhino Skin, Voodoo Juice, & Sensizyme
General Hydroponics: CALiMAGic
GreenPlanet Nutrients: Liquid W-8, Massive, Finisher, & Dense
Mammoth-P: Bloom Booster
Nectar for the Gods: Herculean Harvest
Real Growers: Recharge
South Cascade Organic: SLF-100
Optic Foliar
Ok, time to get this journal in gear.
10-Dec Germination steps began with seeds into RO water for 6 hours, then into paper towel, into a plastic bag, sealed & covered from light, on heat mat.
12-Dec 1/2" tap root from all 3, into Power Plugs, light soaking with Roots Excelurator, on heat mat, under humidity dome
13-Dec All 3 breaking soil and placed a few inches under a 24 hr T5 light.
2.Power Plugs.JPG

Meanwhile, I prepared the fiber pots by adding to the coco/perlite mix:
Azomite @ 1 heaping tbl per gallon of soil,
Dolomite @ 3-4 grams per ltr soil,
A couple of handfuls of worm casings,
then 1 liter of Mammouth-P & Recharge

14-Dec The Power plugs went into fiber pots and into the Gorilla tent under the Amare with only Monochromes at 22"
15-Dec Everybody got misted with RO water
16-Dec RO misting and .25 ltr each of Roots Excelurator
18-Dec Optic Foliar misting for all
19-Dec RO misting for all
20-Dec .2 Ltr Roots for each, RO mist
21-Dec Optic Foliar misting, and their first real photo showing: m.JPG
9.CQ s.JPG
9.TW s.JPG
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I should say that this grow has two purposes:

The primary goal is to grow the best Sweet Tooth TRAINWRECK that I can. (This was a mandate from my wife and an inspiration from @Unique )
The secondary goal is to keep me engaged and active while waiting for the 2018 1st-leg grow battles to start.

On 23-Dec I began the formal feed schedule (The Day 5-20 Phase) @ .25 ltr feed for each pot.
Here is what the full schedule looks like: Thanks to @A-Train for this :toke:. I tried it on two previous grow and really loved the results.


The 2nd time I ran this program I added Optic Foliar misting to the regime and will continue with it here also.
Yeh, I know, its a fairly time-consuming program and requires a lot of attention to detail. But its what a want to do given my goals with Trainwreck.

And here are the 3 ladies on the following day, Dec 24:
12.TW a.JPG
12.SOG b.JPG

12.CQ a.JPG
On Dec 25th, I gave another round of 2-20 feeding to the 3 girls, .25 ltr each.
And I couldn't stand the empty space in my 4'x4' tent - so I dropped a fourth seed, another favorite of my wife, Barney's Farm Sweet Tooth.

After 12 hours in a glass of RO water, the seed went into a paper towel, plastic bag, and warm dark spot.
By Dec 27th Sweet Tooth had a root, so she went into a Grow Plug which was then planted right into a fiber pot that had been prepped same as the previous 3.

On the 28th, the original 3 got another shot of feed, this time at .5 ltr each.

By the 29th Sweet Tooth was breaking ground. Here's the folks on that day, which was DAY 17 for the first 3.

17.CQ a.JPG
17. ST.JPG
Jan 3rd. Its now day 22. Trainwreck and Samsquanch OG are showing leaf stress. Don't know what this is, but I had it around this time in my previous grow back in September. The Amare light is still just on monochromes and is at 22" height. My temperatures have been ranging between 73-75F and the RH between 40-50. This is giving me high VPD numbers that are all "red zone". Maybe that's the problem, or maybe I need to introduce some CalMg, which I have done. Anyway, here's a look with and without flash. First Samsquanch, then Trainwreck.

22.SOG b.JPG
22.SOG c.JPG
22.TW a.JPG
22.TW c.JPG

The Cosmic Queen, who is more Sativa dominant and actually much smaller, is showing a little leaf edge-curl, but no signs of discoloration.

22.CQ a.JPG
25.CQ a.JPG

And Sweet Tooth is coming along quite slowly, trying to get past some funky initial leaves.

22.ST b.JPG
Jan 5th, Day 24. Trainwreck and Sams'OG are now both just over 6" in height. (Cosmic Queen at 5"). So I turned on the Amare's COBs and raised the light to 24". Been opening up Trainwreck with LST (coat-hanger hooks), and one session of ponytailing on Sams'OG.
Jan 6th, Day 25. Family photos:

25.tent b.JPG

25.TW a.JPG
25.SOG b.JPG
25.CQ a.JPG
25.ST b.JPG
Jan 8th, Day 27. Continuing LST on Trainwreck. And a 2nd round of ponytailing on Samsquanch OG. Both been putting on about half inch a day in height. The leaf discoloration doesn't seem to be getting any worse. Cosmic Queen coming along nicely, and the 10 day old Sweet Tooth showing normal leaf development. Here's Trainwreck:

25.TW d.JPG
27.TW a.JPG
27.TW b.JPG

And here's Samsquanch OG and Cosmic Queen
27.SAM b.JPG
27.CQ b.JPG

And finally, Sweet Tooth:
27.ST a.JPG
Jan 11, Day 30. The three older girls have been getting between .75 and 1.0 ltrs feed every other day. They are about to transition to the next phase of the nute program. But before doing that, I'm giving them a day of Recharge and Mammouth-P - then a day of rest. The big gals are now putting on about .75 inch a day in height. I've also added a new, much larger, humidifier to the tent, and am slowing boosting the RH up by several points. Keeping the Amare light at 24".

Jan 13, switched over to the 20-30 phase of the nute program. Give the 3 older girls 1 ltr each. The 15 day old Sweet Tooth is still on the earlier nute phase - she got .75 ltr of that.

Jan 14, Here's the family now, at day 33. First, Trainwreck front and back:
33.TW a.JPG
33.TW c.JPG

Then Samsquanch OG and Cosmic Queen:

33.SAM a.JPG
33.CQ a.JPG

And finally Sweet Tooth, at day 16. The shape of her leaves and her growth rates are now fairly normal, but I can see a little bit of some edge-yellowing starting to show.

33.ST a.JPG

@Unique, @Burr_nit, @RamboGarden & @Samwell ---- thanks for stopping by to have a look. :pass: