I finally pulled the trigger and got myself the tinyMight², up until now I've used a dynaVap on occasion but was kinda disappointment with it tbh. Couldn't get stoned with it, just sort of high.
This one also gets me high but oh boy.. I also gotten myself the dosing capsules for it, already fired off two of those. First with the bubbler, second with the long tip, the one with the balls. After the first one I sat my ass into the sun for 20 minutes, second hottest day of the year currently, then a cold shower and the second hit.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that I am quite relaxed.
Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long. been a busy summer and I've been pretty neglectful of my indoor canna crop.

But then... there's these monster volunteer plants which I have done nothing for, except chucking some seeded larf in a yard waste pile. Nothing but native soil and rain. There's a bright streetlight shining on it all night, so may never flower. What do yall think? I should probably take some clones right?

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For some reason, my first thought was 'that would make a good character on sesame street'.

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long. been a busy summer and I've been pretty neglectful of my indoor canna crop.

But then... there's these monster volunteer plants which I have done nothing for, except chucking some seeded larf in a yard waste pile. Nothing but native soil and rain. There's a bright streetlight shining on it all night, so may never flower. What do yall think? I should probably take some clones right?

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Yep, the light will either keep it in veg, or it will hermie…. Makes good landscaping though :rofl: :rofl: :pass:

Nice to see you back around amigro :d5: