Indoor Lil'Wild Lamb, Lil'MOBstar, Double Grape

Very sharp pictures. With what device were those taken?
A USB microscope. I built an extension arm that mounts on my tripod and can reach about 3 feet into the grow space. Then I turn off all of the fans, maneuver the scope into position, stop breathing and take the picture.


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So I am beginning to have some minor issues that I believe were caused by too much nitrogen. I reformulated to try to get the N down. Really hard to do with the nutrients I have available. I have learned of a product that claims to have available calcium without nitrogen that works in hydro. If testing proves out I will be able to get a much better flower formula. Until then here is what I am working with.

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Hey MOG! What was the calcium product that you found. Brought this up to a friend and he uses this product:

I harvested the Double Grapes today Day 83.

The front was a bigger denser bud


The back plant looks like it could have used some more silica. I probably stopped using it too soon. It has an overfed N look to me also.

@Mañ'O'Green what signals Si def. in that one? TIA
The stems are more flimsy then those in the first picture. The fact that the leave to bud ratio in the second one is a bit high on the leafy side could be because of to much Nitrogen in the mix. Near the end of the grow Nitrogen is still given, but at a lower ratio as the plants take up more Phosphorus and Potassium to generate more and denser buds.