Here’s a theory on the oral activity Mossy and a few other folks have been talking about thats got us all stumped….
She says the effect goes away as the trichomes age….
Is there a possibility that the carboxyl group that we are getting rid of through the decarboxylation process, doesn’t develop until later? We already know cannabinoids change and develop with age. Perhaps the need to decarboxylate doesn’t arise until mid way through the maturation process…. Being the little bio-chemical factories they seem to be.
Just a thought that occurred to me after a wicked strong canna-espresso and too many dabs

Do you mean Aunty's finger "dabs"? That has me puzzled, she and I have chatted about it before...
Right off the live plant there is always very minimal decarb'ed cannabinoids; the plant produces
only acidified forms--THCa, CBDa, etc.,... decarb'ing happens with exposure to light/heat/oxygen, it's really a question of
how fast and completely it happens which is proportionate to the driving force behind this reaction, which does happen more or less spontaneously after harvest...
other breakdown reactions happen too, like THC degrading into CBN.... Just sitting in a jar for example at room T's. I'm not sure how much decarb'ing happens as a % over time vs. other breakdown processes... For sure heat, as we well know, forces this happen fast and completely. Light,
type of at least, I honestly don't know much about that; UV spec's are very destructive to such molecules, and may result in other types of breakdown products beside the decarb'ing...
I felt what Aunty is getting is more likely a rarer, more volatile terp' thing. We know the types and amounts change during blooming of course, end stages in particular. The fact that she's getting this only from live younger buds is tell-tale to me, and it's not decarb-related IMO. The only thing that makes sense is those late stage changes in terp's and to a lesser degree, cannabinoids (like CBG, THCV, etc) and her timing of taking the buds... *edit* -oh, and the big losses of terp's during drying/curing especially those volatile ones, plus other chem' changes too...
Another co-factor here is the digestion process...
A couple concepts to embrace here: The difference between pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) is that pharmacokinetics is the movement of drugs through the body, whereas pharmacodynamics is the body's biological response to drugs.
---> basically Pharmacokinetics is the study of what the body does to the drug, and Pharmacodynamics is the study of what the drug does to the body...
With THCA/THC, the liver's first step in processing them involves forming an intermediate form of THC, 11-hydroxy THC. This apparently has even more pychotropic activity than THC, which is why sometime an overdose of ingested THC can be so damn nasty!
So, this may be part of her specific effects are this phenomenon, but for sure something else in in the mix! Synergistic activity is going down with her and the finger dabs, but we can only speculate until actual lab tests are done to rule in, or out, what my guess is behind this... That ain't gonna happen though!