Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Well the girls haven't gotten much attention this last week. I did feed them some Alaskan fish poop from the bottle. They had some rain over the last week which was unusual for July. But it wasn't enough to water them solely I did have to water them. I was able to collect about a barrel and a half of rain water. Which almost filled my IBC Tote all the way up. It's only about 6" from the top. That should give me enough water to last for about 2 or 3 weeks if we don't have too hot n dry weather.

It's getting a little easier to figure this out on what girl's I want for this.:shrug::confused1: Cuz I do know the characteristics of some of these plants.

The Fire OG Kush is a really good plant I know her really well and she has dank buds.

The wedding cake She's another good plant I've grown her three times. Her buds are also dank ..

The industrial plant is a good plant as well she has very dank buds.

The skunk hero is a beautiful plant I don't know what her buds are like. This is something we'll have to see. But so far so good on her looks.

The purple wookie I only know from the breeder whom I know personally and I know it's a good plant and he grows her very well in his controlled conditions inside. I've not known him to grow it outside yet.

So I've narrowed it down to those girls. As the rest of them will probably grow very nice buds and they'll look great and everything but

I really can't use the headband A and B because they're two girl's in the same hole. Couldn't separate them at transplanting.


Gorilla Skittles I just love this plant it may be in my selection yet.? Ugh I grew it last year at the farmer's house. It was a beautiful plant had beautiful buds. The sad thing was it was a total loss. Because when we hung it in his drying room, he didn't turn the fans on and it molded bad. Ugh we really never got the sample any of it. Very sad.

The mg-25 is almost reached the top of the cage already. It really loves this weather. I have to do some training on her pronto or she's going to be growing out the top.

Headband A in the deck hole

Wedding cake in the 15g FP

The pre flowering Silver haze

Citrus super haze

Well I think I got them all in here. Phone's been giving me fits I need a new one it's overtime way past due.
Update they are still alive
I live close to some orchards (cherry and apple) and my area is having a problem with Japenese beetles. They have a greenish head and brown wings. But the problemo is they love cannabis and they have been hitting my plants about midday.
My mystery plants are resembling Super Lemon Haze wich I grew a while back. They are not showing sex yet :kiss: The Northern Lights photo is over 8 foot tall and showing that it is a female (feminized seeds) Happy Farming :bighug:


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Update #420 7-19-22
@Waira update on the garden.
Just a powering ahead without much help from me. Still feeding twice a week roughly 10 gallons each feeding.
Chem beyond Diesel CBD

Detroit rock city

Skunk Hero 22

Inner Cage of the garden

Spoonicorn Auto is looking great smells awesome.. Looks like she is getting close also.

Lecter Auto is a frosty girl....

Chocolate Skunk Auto

Lecter has some beautiful flowers on her! going to be some chronic smoke!

Random pic of the Dead Head OG with the MMXX next to it not sure why I loaded this but its here now lol.....

The plants are really pushing hard now and look great. Im looking forward to the big girls flowering! The auto's have been great this season outdoors and I could possibly harvest a few of them around the garden here in the next week or 2.
Well, i've made to much plants and can only keep them feeding cause i got help by a grobro, 10 autos outdoors, here's some impressions:):smoking:
:rofl: - it's difficult to keep the plant count where you want! ...great that you have a mate who can help with the care Mongol - :biggrin: - for a small fee I'm sure!
They look healthy and happy,... I suspect the light blocking from the side may be why they are stretching up more than out?
SSSC Strawberry cookies are doing awesome. Did some LST by laying them over and have continued to adjust. Have to do some more as you’ll see in the pics that apical dominance has been broken and reestablished in the lower branches. Need to tie them off…today. Another week or two and they’ll get topdressed again. First pic is the lead horse it this race and if she continues on it’ll be my pick but we shall see.
:greenthumb:Looks solid Jp, that hard lean technique is something Hecno did a few years ago with some Mango Haze's... They turned out really nice even with sub=par Sunlight. He got a ton of well formed mini-colas!
I can remember back when I was 17 having to run out into a field late at night to save some plants from the combine that was harvesting the corn.....Running through the fields with bags full of bud was kind of fun also and having someone pic you up on the side of the road late at night....
Damn, I wish I knew about this when I was a late teen problem child- :rofl:... there were corn fields around then in the valley, and I had a car with willing mates!
The aarp cards dont work on beer gas or smoke anywho :crying:
...true, but a cash reward Visa does! And often, senior discounts are offered :rofl:... seriously, one of the places I know the owners of has a large "senior" customer base,... seen it live, most of the customers were over 40, many over 60 that were rolling in!

Thank you all :vibes:
AFN is the best forum online lot of family oriented people here a lot of good people here.
Thank you all for your condolences it means a lot.
:smokeout: Cheers to that! I got a lot of soul boosting when my Dad passed from folks here,... it's the Good Stuff.... :smoker1: :peace: :smoker1:

Well the girls haven't gotten much attention this last week.
One of the nice things about in-ground and large pots, sufficient reserves to hold them over for a while :thumbsup:
All the girls look phat and sassy GTG, you couldn't pick a loser if you tried!
... got a feeling the Wookie may have some gorgeous buds if she colors up, and passes the mold test for OD's!
That cheeky deck hole girls makes me smile every time-

The pre flowering Silver haze

Now this blows me away! :jawdrop: -- it's downright amazing that your most Sati-dom girl is already in bloom, it just doesn't compute!
She's not an FV is she? ...woooow....:yay:
First off…. Stake your big plants. Any suggestions on proper course of action would be considered. As it is I lifted her into position, taped her up with gorilla tape, and staked her. :baked:
I live close to some orchards (cherry and apple) and my area is having a problem with Japenese beetles. They have a greenish head and brown wings. But the problemo is they love cannabis and they have been hitting my plants about midday.
:face:...aaaand there's the chills & spills part of the OD Comp! :thanks::crying:

Newman, ya done what ya could, get her strapped together ASAP and well secured; with some of the phloem tissue still intact, that's most important as it's what conducts sugars, hormones, etc.,... xylem is mostly dead tissue, operating on capillary action and transpiration "pumping", that seems to repair OK too if the tissues aren't dried out and are in good contact- :thumbsup:... which is clearly the case here, she looks fine!

GH - are they flying in, or ground attacking? If the latter, some Tanglefoot will queer the access... Larger beetles can be a bitch to deal with, as they are prone to "dine and shine", can't kill what isn't there at the time! .... SNS209 systemic will foul the meal for them and they should fuck off after a bite or two....

@Waira update on the garden.
Just a powering ahead without much help from me. Still feeding twice a week roughly 10 gallons each feeding.
....beautiful.... :spels::zen::spels:... can't ask for better Jean!

The auto's are doing super well in particular this year. Are you doing any OD breeding with some?
@Waira yes they are fliers and they eat the new growth and in between the veins of the leaves. :vibe:
I have had another problem pop up :face:
Honestly I was thinking of wrapping her in scrog net before a storm blew in and.... @Newman’sOwn got any tape that I can borrow ? :haha:


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