Indoor Zambeza Seeds Monster Test Thread

New York City Diesel
Day 42
This girl is flowering very fast, i like it! lets see how she does this week, we should see some good weight put on hopefully:thumbsup:
feeds on both strains are
remo Micro,bloom astroflower,natures candy are all @ 7ml/G
Botanicare Calmag+ is @ 7ml/G
PH 6.2
and i gave them 2 feedings of mammoth P and 1 feeding of recharge this past week:shooty:
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Power Kush
Day 42
not bulking up as fast as the NYCD but she is flowering away nicely and is nice and frosty already
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Looking great bro
Hey look at that, feeling a few positive waves come in again. Such is nature, up and down... all to balance. Let's hope for the best of what remains!

Over here, AeroGarden has saved the day! Both babies seem pretty happy.

Choco Candy Baby on the right, and Choco Candy Survivor is on the left. I promise I'll try to remember to get root shots tomorrow. These girls will be ready for their permanent homes very soon!


A closer look at the survivor girl. I see a second set of leaves coming up. [emoji106] [emoji16]


The stronger of the two will be re-vegged and turned into a bonsai.

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Here an update sry for the blurple pics.. Plants sprayed with Overgrow this morning
family pic.. Day one was march 7 making these 16 days
JTR mutated leaf.second set looks like in may mutate as well.. Some spots developing on first leaves..PP xxl some spoting on 1st leaves new growth looks healthy
pp xxl .. Same point as other Power plant
last PP same as other 2.. At this point the new growrh looks healthy. All plants seem a bit behind par but i feel all six are doing okay.. The plants are using the Elite nutrient line and are at 600ish ppm, supplemented with cal mag and silica.. I have been making it a point to bottom feed to get the roots to the bottom.. Last feed did include a top feed to keep the coco moist.. All feeds have been set to 5.6 pH since im in coco... The gogrow light is at a 18/6 schedule..Temps have been 67f-71f and rh in the 60's... I will take better ( non-blurple) pics after i finish my on call rotation and an update with exact feed amounts will be included.. The temps being a bit low may be a factor for the slower than average growth, but all 6 testers seeds were planted.... Peace.... Edit: i removed one pic that was mislabled as a ppxxl, which was a double of the Mutated JTR


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