Indoor Zambeza Seeds Monster Test Thread

Here are the girls. The stunted one is growing slowlier than the new baby, but her roots look way stronger.



The roots on the left are Stunted's and on the right, Baby's.


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I to am growing under delicate lights... should have a photo tomorrow of the girls. I do not use toilet paper or paper towels to germ, final 7 gallon pot from seed to finish and never use plastic cups. The slow take off is indeed very slow but I do think I have the making of a monster on my hands.
I have also been told that 1500-1800ppm on the blue lab is to high too but very slight tip burn when the plants are thriving under prime lighting in huge pots at absolute perfect health. Idk maybe I still have a lot to learn.
I to am growing under delicate lights... should have a photo tomorrow of the girls. I do not use toilet paper or paper towels to germ, final 7 gallon pot from seed to finish and never use plastic cups. The slow take off is indeed very slow but I do think I have the making of a monster on my hands.
I have also been told that 1500-1800ppm on the blue lab is to high too but very slight tip burn when the plants are thriving under prime lighting in huge pots at absolute perfect health. Idk maybe I still have a lot to learn.
I have noticed that when the seedlings start in bigger containers, they'll often focus on growing the roots first and all of a sudden, the top starts growing...

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We belive that Cannabis plants should not be fed too intensively in general. Its all about simulating the nature, if you feed the plants too much, they will not be even close to fighting for survival and simply turn into a couch potatoes. The plant should get a chance to adapt to the environment and find food rather than have it handed on a plate at all times. Unless there is a specific reason for that, we do not recommend agressive feeding schedules.

As for the plants, they seem to be doing quite fine except the weird leafed JTR, keep it up with data collection if possible. :pass:
It depends on strain to strain but my experience latley is heavy feeding is best .
Uve seen my blueberry cheese and shes fed realky heavy general hydroponics suggest 2.5 ml per 2 gallon and im feeding 5ml per gallon sometimes more and im finding they love it