Dinafem Yozhik Grow #6 - Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD Auto

UPDATE: Day 44

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

The three Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD girls 'feature' in the following video from approx. 00:41 to 00:59

You can see they look the picture of health here;


... Which also shows them sporting their new[ish] haircuts.
My new 'toy'.
A dedicated tent for drying.

extractor fan
drying net

Temp stable at ~20.5°C
RH stable at ~47%

Now I don't have to panic about the harvest and try to do it super quick to use the one tent.
I can take my time and leave some girls plumping up for as long as they need.

Should have done it AGES ago!

UPDATE: Day 47

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

Girls appear to be thriving.
The haircuts have really opened them out, and the light penetration has improved significantly.
Some bud development is surprising - in a good way!

Here are some various/random pics of the 3 ladies ...






Oh yes, now they have had a trim the valuable lumens can now reach deeper into the plant canopy and onto those valuable budsites. Also now you have a dedicated drying room I think this is a great move and set up perfectly to dry your end product :slap:

Again thank you for the multimedia updates and as said before the videos are a growth touch :pass:

Until the next one :bong:

All the best

UPDATE: Day 50

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

The girls are getting a little thirstier, so have slightly upped the amount of daily feeding.
The haircut seems to have been enjoyed, and the light is DEFINITELY penetrating deeper.
Canopy is beautifully even.
Genetics are fantastically stable, and this is a hassle free grow.
Absolutely ZERO issues, from germination through to Day 50 [today].

Not even the slightest hint of nute burn, so they could probably be pushed even harder.

With other unrelated events happening in the tent, the girls will be able to enjoy even more real estate soon.
This should help them plump up in their last few weeks.

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UPDATE: Day 55

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres



My attention had been diverted elsewhere recently [trimming], but now with a break available, it's time to give this thread the attention and focus it deserves!

The girls are looking about as good as hoped.

Canopy is even.
Buds are plumping.
Resin is being produced.
All is good on Campus.

Can't quite put my finger on the aroma of the girls.
It's not a smell I'm familiar with, and to be honest, the citrus smell within the tent from the other girls has been so overwhelming, the unique scent of the Industrial Plant CBD ladies has been somewhat masked.
I'll try and get a handle on it over the next few days to do justice to them.


ZERO signs of nute burn - these girls could probably take a lot more, but they're at the edge of my comfort zone, and I just don't see the need to push them any harder.
They look the epitome of health.

Now that some of the jungle is undergoing deforestation, they have been given even more real estate to run around in, and also more dedicated lumens, which should assist the final couple of weeks.















All are looking great mate and not to far from the finish line :thumbsup:

Just going of the pictures you look to have 2 phenos of the ip cbd auto. No1 looks to be more densely structured whereas plants 2 and 3 look to have a more light bud structure?

The smell is very hard to pin down. I say it is orange like a few people including my wife says more lemon detergent. Would love your thoughts when finished and you can lock the smell down more :pass:

Can I ask how much longer will you feed for and how much longer do you think they have left?

Again thank you for the multi media updates the videos are a nice touch :pass:

Until the next one :slap: keep up the great work!

All the best

All are looking great mate and not to far from the finish line :thumbsup:

Just going of the pictures you look to have 2 phenos of the ip cbd auto. No1 looks to be more densely structured whereas plants 2 and 3 look to have a more light bud structure?

To be honest, I hadn't noticed any significant differences in the three.
They all look/feel similar up close.

The smell is very hard to pin down. I say it is orange like a few people including my wife says more lemon detergent. Would love your thoughts when finished and you can lock the smell down more :pass:

Hmmm - will keep checking the scent.
It's not sweet - there's a sour note to it.

Can I ask how much longer will you feed for and how much longer do you think they have left?

At least another week of feeding.
They look like they still have plenty in them, and some of the buds definitely have some fattening to do.
The lower leaves are starting to be consumed and yellowing, but the mid-to-upper leaves are still green, green, green.

I think I saw on the site that the plant is rated at 70 days?
I'd say they'll make that easy.

Again thank you for the multi media updates the videos are a nice touch :pass:

Until the next one :slap: keep up the great work!

All the best


Thanks @Dinafem-Mark ... Will do!
UPDATE: Day 59

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 38 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 3.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

The girls are looking like they might be finishing a little quicker than I estimated.
Leaves are yellowing at an accelerated rate, and the main budsites are firm.
Still some more fattening to go, for sure, but it might not be the fortnight before chop time that I was anticipating.












UPDATE: Day 62

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 38 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 3.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l​
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

Right - I think the girls are almost ready for flushing.
Lower leaves have really yellowed, and nugs are firm.
A week or so of flushing to stress every last drop of sticky goodness from her, and to complete the auto-cannibalisation should just about do it.

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