Dinafem Yozhik Grow #6 - Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD Auto

UPDATE: Day 25 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.0 litres

Growth has been nothing short of ... EXPLOSIVE!

Going to need a tent rejig soon.
Space is at a premium right now.

@Yozhik , They Sure Are Looking Great Bro! But You Always Do Fine Work< So I Am Not Surprized!:slap:
@Yozhik , They Sure Are Looking Great Bro! But You Always Do Fine Work< So I Am Not Surprized!:slap:

thanks @Unique for your kind words :pighug:

But to be honest, I do fuck all work.
It's all about the environment.
Get that right, and there's not a lot of work to be done.
The girls do it all themselves.
thanks @Unique for your kind words :pighug:

But to be honest, I do fuck all work.
It's all about the environment.
Get that right, and there's not a lot of work to be done.
The girls do it all themselves.
@Yozhik , Bro You Really do Fine Work,better Then Fine! I am The Hard On My self as Well, Just Like You Are! But Your Effort Always Pays Off, We All run Into issue's That's Just how this goes!! Head's Up Bro! you know your girls respond to your moods right? always show how happy you are around them and they will bless you for it. They already do!
UPDATE: Day 27 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.0 litres

Tent has had a bit of a shuffle ...

Rather than being squeezed in between rows of older ladies, the three young girls now have their own dedicated space.
In the video above you can see them to the right.

All three have shown their girly bits, so a switch to Bloom nutes is probably in order.
Recent growth has been exceptional, as you can see in the pics.
Be mindful that the girls are resting in large 30 litre pots, so their size/height is quite impressive.

UPDATE: Day 27 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.0 litres

Tent has had a bit of a shuffle ...

Rather than being squeezed in between rows of older ladies, the three young girls now have their own dedicated space.
In the video above you can see them to the right.

All three have shown their girly bits, so a switch to Bloom nutes is probably in order.
Recent growth has been exceptional, as you can see in the pics.
Be mindful that the girls are resting in large 30 litre pots, so their size/height is quite impressive.

View attachment 705353 View attachment 705351 View attachment 705352

@Yozhik They are starting to get big bro! It's good you give them room to spread their wings. how much penetration you get with that 600w? what height your lights at?
@Yozhik They are starting to get big bro! It's good you give them room to spread their wings. how much penetration you get with that 600w? what height your lights at?

Ah - @Unique - you have indeed identified the Achille's heel of the setup!

Penetration isn't too bad.
The girls are quite lanky with decent nodal spacing, so what light there is seems to be getting through.

The amount of light is the concern.
A total of 2400W in the tent, but I've got them fairly high-ish, to gain even spread. The sacrifice is brute force of lumens. So more of a warm ambient light, which is a little similar to what nature does late flower, outdoors.

Having said that, the tallest girl wouldn't want the lights any closer. She's one lean, mean, lanky lolita!!

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Ah - @Unique - you have indeed identified the Achille's heel of the setup!

Penetration isn't too bad.
The girls are quite lanky with decent nodal spacing, so what light there is seems to be getting through.

The amount of light is the concern.
A total of 2400W in the tent, but I've got them fairly high-ish, to gain even spread. The sacrifice is brute force of lumens. So more of a warm ambient light, which is a little similar to what nature does late flower, outdoors.

Having said that, the tallest girl wouldn't want the lights any closer. She's one lean, mean, lanky lolita!!

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@Yozhik , I know I need to Do an Upgrade Again! I just had everything dialed in perfectly then I end up with a Critical Beast and had to change my whole setup again..and way way under-powered.:shrug: am worried I won't pull what I intended.
UPDATE: Day 28

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

The 'switch' has been made.
All three girls were showing there female undercarriage off, so thought it was time to give them what they wanted and were asking for ... Bloom nutes.
Their appetite is definitely growing exponentially too.
Gobbling up 2.5 litres without blinking, and having just checked the pots, the surprising lack of weight in them tells me they'll be chowing down again tonight, after 'sunrise'.

Couldn't help myself - shuffled the tent again today.
They now have pride of place in the tent, having been allocated a more central position.

OK - a couple of out of tent photos for each of the three ladies ...

Bachelorette No. 1


Bachelorette No. 2


Bachelorette No. 3

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From the last picture plant 1 and 2 look quite similar in structure whereas no 3 looks to be a little taller?

Now they have there own dedicated grow space the girls will be getting more lumens to those valuable budsites and great call on the introduction of the bloom nutes :slap:

Thank you for the continued media update very much appreciated and keep up the great work!

Until the next one :pass:

All the best

From the last picture plant 1 and 2 look quite similar in structure whereas no 3 looks to be a little taller?

Yes - exactly.
The leggy girl put in an early STRETCH, leaving the other two in her wake.
She was a giant compared to them.
Tall and lean.
Her budsites were also the first to come through, so she is slightly more developed, with a much more pronounced 'main cola'.

BUT - now the other two are VERY quickly catching up in terms of height, with maybe only 6" the difference.
So their stretch was later, but no less dramatic.

It looks like the three plant canopy will end up being essentially even.

Now they have there own dedicated grow space the girls will be getting more lumens to those valuable budsites and great call on the introduction of the bloom nutes :slap:

Thank you for the continued media update very much appreciated and keep up the great work!

Until the next one :pass:

All the best


Cheers for the encouragement @Dinafem-Mark