Dinafem Yozhik Grow #6 - Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD Auto

UPDATE: Day 30

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres


The triplets are thriving.
Good colour.
Excellent structure.
Pleasing bud development.

Proud parent - couldn't be happier.
Onwards and upwards!

UPDATE: Day 33

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

UPDATE: Day 34

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

I must agree mate. Now the 2 slower ladies have had time it does look like you are going to have an even canopy once the stretch phase is over :thumbsup:

I love the constant picture update and the added videos and supplementary information is great and much appreciated.

Until the next update keep up the great work :slap:

All the best

I must agree mate. Now the 2 slower ladies have had time it does look like you are going to have an even canopy once the stretch phase is over :thumbsup:

I love the constant picture update and the added videos and supplementary information is great and much appreciated.

Until the next update keep up the great work :slap:

All the best


Thanks @Dinafem-Mark - yeah the canopy has definitely evened out.
Girls are looking a little dark [English racing] green for my liking, so possibly Nitrogen heavy.
I'm going to give the nutes a once over and see if I can cut the N down a little.
Not entirely sure where it's coming from.

Also to assist them in their development comes their first haircut, which I'll do in the next few days.
Some of those larger fan leaves on the main stem will find themselves in the disposal bag, just to open her out and promote some of those wannabe popcorn buds.
Not enough to stress them, but just enough to let them bask in a noticeable lumen boost.
UPDATE: Day 37/38

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres


These 3 ladies are looking FABULOUS!

Canopy has defo evened out.
Speedy girl is now only 'more mature' in terms of main cola development - she got a head start - but minimally, so by the end of the process, I think it's going to be a magazine cover, 1-2-3 finish over the line.

UPDATE: Day 40

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

Well I must say these are looking great :slap:

The canopy is now very even and the bud production is looking great. I think you are doing a fantastic job and we at Dinafem love the media updates it is making for a more deeper grow journal :thumbsup:

Thank you for the dedicated to the grow and the media uo5date they are great and much appreciated!

Until the next one :pass: keep up the great work!

All the best

Well I must say these are looking great :slap:

The canopy is now very even and the bud production is looking great. I think you are doing a fantastic job and we at Dinafem love the media updates it is making for a more deeper grow journal :thumbsup:

Thank you for the dedicated to the grow and the media uo5date they are great and much appreciated!

Until the next one :pass: keep up the great work!

All the best


Thanks @Dinafem-Mark - as always your feedback is encouraging!

Yep - canopy and bud production looks good - in fact, I'm very happy.
The uniform structure, height, and the number of budsites has surprised me, in a good way.

Should be an interesting week or two ahead, following a bit of a haircut for the girls.
A few of the giant fan leaves were removed to allow for better light penetration.
They were acting more like sun parasols and preventing a lot of lumens from reaching the lower and inner budsites.
I'm sure the girls will appreciate their new, streamlined look.

Time will tell.
UPDATE: Day 43

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l​
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

Not a hell of a lot I can say.
I'll let the photos do the talking ...

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