Dinafem Yozhik Grow #6 - Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD Auto

UPDATE: Day 20 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l​

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

The photos will make the comments today ...

UPDATE: Day 21 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.5 litres

Added some Aptus CaMg Boost to the feeding schedule today - more as a precaution than a cure.
There are signs of CalMag deficiency in other areas of the tent in more mature plants, so it seemed pragmatic to opt for attack as the best defence.

One of the girls is getting very s t r e t c h y



UPDATE: Day 22 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5

Non-feeding day.
The had a gluttonous buffet at 'sunrise', the pots are heavy, their tummies are FULL.



I must say I'm loving your dedication to this grow. What with the multiple picture updates and the added videos this is making a terrific thread to view :slap:

You have some great growth going on and some great structure to the plants :thumbsup: so far things are looking great and again thank you for the multiple media updates much appreciated!

Until the next one :pass:

All the best

I must say I'm loving your dedication to this grow. What with the multiple picture updates and the added videos this is making a terrific thread to view :slap:

You have some great growth going on and some great structure to the plants :thumbsup: so far things are looking great and again thank you for the multiple media updates much appreciated!

Until the next one :pass:

All the best


Cheers @Dinafem-Mark - I genuinely appreciate your feedback and positive comments!

The girls are looking great so far, and have had ZERO issues.
Long may it continue. :pighug:
UPDATE: Day 23 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5

Pots still heavy.
Will check this evening at 'sunrise' to see if they've had a good day gorging themselves and in need of a top up, but to be honest, a dry period will not do any harm.

One of the girls is really lanky and open; the other two not so much, but they all seem to be going through a real growth spurt.
All have shown their girly bits too, so looking at switching base nutes shortly.

UPDATE: Day 25 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30L pots with BioBizz Light Mix

House & Garden Roots Excelurator @ 0.15 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Tarantula @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg-Boost @ 0.5 ml/l

WATER pH: ... ~ 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 2.0 litres

Growth has been nothing short of ... EXPLOSIVE!

Going to need a tent rejig soon.
Space is at a premium right now.
