Hey, another day just like the other day!

Hey Now,
Here’s todays picture. I am behind in the feeding schedule. They look okay but I know they are hungry. Ran out of Olympus Up, the pH adjuster I use. It’s basically mocronized limestone. It’s part of the NFTG line along with Hades Down for pH adjustment. Gotta love the names of this line that’s for sure. Unfortunately the usual pH up doesn’t really work all that well, it takes way to much to move the pH, especially during flower when I really pour on the Herculean Harvest, liquid bone meal. Need all that Ca for big, strong, flowering beauties.
Damn, I love this stuff!!!

Recall the chart from the post above and compare it to this one. Crazy. The only difference is the exhaust fan is on constantly in this graph and cycled on and off every 15minutes in the 1st one. Amazing how seemingly minor changes have such a large effect.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 115450.png
Hey Now,
Did a little rearranging last night, a bit of pruning too. Going to wire up the UVB lamps this weekend, we’re getting towards the end now so time to try this out.

Hey Now,
Invader Zam 68-75 days and Jedi Cookies 70 days, started life officially September 12, we should have about 2-2.5 weeks to go. I think they look about right too. Time flies! Feeding time tonight. Room is very stinky, love it! Still need to connect UVB, need to get busy.
