Morning Folks,
Vacuum pump came in yesterday, Büchner funnel and flask coming today. Wish the ethanol would get here. Really want to start this project. QWET, winterize, evaporate, and hopefully have something to put in a cartridge. Probably ambitious but regardless I’ll have some kind of extract to play with. After the Holidaze I’ll get more equipment and get the vacuum still going so I can reclaim all that ethanol.

Clones look okay, no sign of rooting yet but they look healthy. They are a good bit woody-er than I would like, still though, I think it should work out.
Hey Now,
Projects are progressing. Clones finally started to root. Was worried as the stems are so woody.

Still gathering wear for the extraction project. Minor setback with the 200 proof ethanol, damaged in shipment. $65.00 for shipping you would think it would get here. Going to use everclear for now, I don’t want to wait anymore.
Hey Now,
Here we go. Going to try my first run. Unfortunately my ethanol delivery is fubar. UPS just notified me of a damaged package and I need to contact the seller. Grrr. . . So it will be Everclear for this one, dammit. I did buy some more 200 proof from another distributor but that's days away and I want to start tonight.
I'll post some pictures but for now this is what I am up to. Tonight I'll pick up some 190 proof Everclear and put it in the freezer along with two pint jars of cannabis. Not sure what I will use, something good without a lot of cut stuff and gently break the buds so as to not tear things up. The point being to avoid opening things up for more chlorophyl, waxes, lipids, the stuff we don't want to extract. That is the whole point of all of this, extract only the stuff we want, THCs and terpenes. QWET or Quick Wash EThanol, winterizing, and if needed polishing is how I plan to do this.
Ethanol is a polar solvent and will attach bond with all sorts of stuff including what we don't want. To avoid picking up the undesirables we lower the temperature as much as we can. I will be using a kitchen freezer so I won't be able to go too low. Later the plan is to use dry ice but for now 24-36 hours in the freezer will have to do. The amount of time the ethanol and cannabis are combined for will allow or restrict the ethanol from performing its solvent duties. If it soaks too long it can become green and if the soak is too short yield will suffer. For making RSO/FECO the exposure will be longer and for vaping oil shorter depending on the material and temps. Since I am going for something to put in a cartridge I plan on short washes. I will do two washes as well.
So that's where I am today. If all goes okay I'll be ready for the next step on Thursday. That will be the actual washes and, if needed, winterization. After that it's vacuum still time to reclaim the ethanol and vacuum oven/chamber to dry it out. AND. . . if all went well add a bit of terpenes/thinner and load up a cartridge.
Stay tuned!!
Later the plan is to use dry ice
Mixing ethanol with dry ice will result in a slushy as the freezing temperature of the alcohol lies just 0.5°C away from the core temperature of the dry ice. So be careful while doing that as the slushy will burn your skin when it comes into contact!
Best to use your freezer and keep everything in the freezer while you are doing it. Like you said, 24-36hours in the freezer, then pour the alcohol on top of the bud, shake and set back into the freezer. Repeat as much as you need, but keep it into the freezer.
Then put the Büchner funnel and flask into the freezer and filter in the cold.

Key is to keep it as cold as possible to prevent the waxes and lipids to dissolve.
No slurries. Too messy and like you said, dangerous. I have plans for an insulated chest to hold the dry ice so it will be like my freezer but a good bit colder. That way I only handle the dry ice for transport and installing in the cooler. Then I just need to be careful handling the flasks, etc.
Thanks for the input!!
Great idea!!
What are you going to use to evaporate?
Home made vacuum still. I have two vacuum chambers, 70 foot cooling coil, and a two stage vacuum pump.
Have not tried this method so here for a peek :peek:
Stay tuned, watch me try to figure this stuff out!!

Here's a picture of what I hope to achieve, well something similar. It's from a FB group on extractions. I have that pump and a similar cooling coil. Saving my pennies for the rest of the stuff but vacuum stuff is pricey.