Photoperiod WVR's Photo Grow

Got it! O.K. Sounds pretty straight forward. So, I use Great White Myco powder... Would that be acceptable to use on the roots or on the dirt they are going in or do I need the other stuff as well?

That is exactly what I use to water the rooted cuttings into their new pots. Just mix it up like you normally would, and moisten the soil with it before transplanting the cutting. It also doesn't hurt to pour a little bit over the roots, as you are transplanting them. You will need nothing but PH adjusted water in the bubbler, though I have been told you do not even need to adjust your PH, in the bubbler water, I do anyway.
Have a great day
Hey Noods! LOL Hell Yeah bro! How many cops are going to smell that shit and want to go check it out! LOL I think we're on to something!

The Orange Crush is doing so well, I'm very pleased. She's popping out pistils pretty good for day 2 after showing. The one Mystery Kush is still smelling like farts LOL so the Photo cab is pretty covert at the moment! The Orange Crush itself doesn't smell like anything at the moment. If you rub her stem she has the classic piney Kush smell. But no odor from the top of her. The 2nd taller Mystery Kush is still skunky from above. I'll probably update pictures tomorrow. They were watered with pH'd water yesterday so next watering the Orange Crush will be getting her first feeding. I'll be using SeaGrow 4-26-26 and Blackstrap Molasses only. I used this stuff on my Autos and it worked great and I love the simplicity of the "all in one". It's been working great in conjunction with Fox Farms Happy Frog. Which is my medium of choice. :D

So until the next picture update stay low (stoned) my friends! :smokebuds:
Evening my brothers and sisters! Just poppin' in to tell you that the taller skunkier Mystery Kush is a boy! So I think I am going to let him polly the Orange Crush and I will try to take clones of her as well. I have yet to get out to China Mart lol or the Hydro Shop so when I'm getting ready to take cuttings you all will be the first to know! Thanks again to HomieHogLeg for talking me through it and giving me pictures and a starting point! Been meaning to ask how you're doing bro! Hope you are healing up good and fast! To a less painful New Year bro! :buds:
damn i miss the part where the oc was a female bro congrats
Yeah bro! She showed pistils the day before yesterday. Mystery Kush #2 showed pollen sacks earlier today. They are sleeping right now. Just waiting on Mystery Kush #1 to show... I have a good feeling she's a she. She has female structure... We'll see! At least the one OC I got to germ and live is a female! :jump: And the best part about photos is you can clone them!! Thanks bro!
Evening my brothers and sisters! Just poppin' in to tell you that the taller skunkier Mystery Kush is a boy! So I think I am going to let him polly the Orange Crush and I will try to take clones of her as well. I have yet to get out to China Mart lol or the Hydro Shop so when I'm getting ready to take cuttings you all will be the first to know! Thanks again to HomieHogLeg for talking me through it and giving me pictures and a starting point! Been meaning to ask how you're doing bro! Hope you are healing up good and fast! To a less painful New Year bro! :buds:
Doing much better, except for my strange sleep pattern I have fallen into. I have been opiate free for a couple of weeks now, and have no lingering withdrawals. I got my casts cut off, on the 2nd, and got fitted with a walking cast, on my right leg. So I am out of the wheelchair, and on crutches. I still tire pretty easily, but I am getting stronger every day. The doc tells me I am making amazing progress, and he says I should make a full recovery. I am looking forward to the spring planting season, though I usually have my holes dug, and soil amended by now. I am making my soil at home this year, and will dig my holes as I plant.
Have a great week
P.S. Glad I could help preserve your OC.
hey rebel i was looking through the dutch passion site and they have an orange bud auto called snowstorm #2 just thought you'd be interested:D
glad to hear your doing better homiehogleg
Hey HHL! Well, I'm very happy to hear you are making amazing progress! Sending as much healing Karma I can your way!!! :wiz:

Thanks Sniper! I'm off to check that out right now! :D