Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

I am not interested in the Ultra but ia might be in The Growcraft Spectrum Control Platform. There is no info about it yet.

I am not interested in the Ultra but ia might be in The Growcraft Spectrum Control Platform. There is no info about it yet.

Ooooh... do tell
I am not interested in the Ultra but ia might be in The Growcraft Spectrum Control Platform. There is no info about it yet.

Sounds interesting. They're just teasing ya! :eyebrows:

I add all of these wave lengths with individual lamps now. I think this is a cool idea but remember I already have it at effective levels. So the price and features will have to be impressive.
This guy is much more scientific.

I can't.

That guy has the worst voice in HISTORY. I could do the 30 second clips, but I can't do this to myself for 25 minutes.

Dr. MJ COCO needs to hit puberty ASAP.

Also, on the scynce LED lights, you can adjust all of the things Chil is putting out I believe. On the smaller I have its just red/blue but on their kush you can control every aspect of it.

550 PPM was too strong for the start of week 3 so during the week I dialed it down. The two Purple Kush CBD are not liking this high of a PPM at all. Week 4 I will try 550 again?
