Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

You know the man got skills when he can mix Nutes and run Hydro in a carpeted room.:stir::shooty:
Don't be jinxing me now! I have a flood pan in the grow room that will contain all of the water that is in the system at one time. If the leak happens outside of that room it could be trouble. I have secure plumbing with several shut-of points. Human error is always in play.
I dropped 2 FastBuds Original Skunk Autos to replace the Magic's seeds that did not germinate. I had troubles with the germination on the FastBuds skunk the first time I ran them so I dropped two hopping to get at least one to fill out the tent.
Progress......... like watching paint dry :haha:

What lights are you running at this stage and what percent?
I just turned off the germination light. Turned on the main grow lights yesterday at 130watts each along with the two Blue Pucks. I bumped the lights to 200 watts this morning. I will raise them tomorrow to 250 watts then after a couple of days 300 watts each. Then after a week I will bump them to 330 which is where they will run until harvest.
Its so hard to just ignore them, I totally check on them a few times a day.
Just got back from looking at mine :rofl:. Good news is one of the FB Original Skunk Autos is up so I will have a full tent:woohoo1: