Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

Have you grown Dutch Passion Durban Poison Auto before?
And if so, any other information you could offer would be appreciated---yield, height, and smoke/vape report.

I have wanted to grow this for several years and just not have got around to it.
This is my first time to grow the DP DPA. I believe this strain has been discontinued?

ScreenHunter_311 Dec. 07 10.55.jpg
Very cool, cheers for the tag .
Being summer here, I have an outdoor auto grow log going somewhere hidden away in this forum if you can find it.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, When opening the Bubba Trouble to verify the seed count I found a freebie I did not know I had and did not even know what it was GWKXBT turns out to be Grape Walker Kush (Mephisto) x Bubba Trouble So I have to grow it Just look how plump that seed is............... I am such a seed whore :watering:

GWK is my top pick out of all the Mephisto strains I have grown, looking forward to seeing this nice sounding cross!
Well you know what they say about counting your chickens before the eggs hatch - sometimes its over easy :rofl:.
Damn, My municipal water is coming from the wells it is 200 PPM which is 123 PPM of calcium in my starting water. I need to adjust my Part B down to get the calcium in range. This is not a concern when I get my water from the surface plant.