Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

Grow is labeled as 2-1-6
3 parts of grow = 6-3-18

Micro is labeled as 5-0-1
2 parts of micro = 10-0-2

Bloom is labeled as 0-5-4
2 parts of bloom = 0-10-8

Total nitrogen contained in the finished product is 6+10+0=16
Total phosphorous is 3+0+10 = 13
Total potassium is 18+2+8 = 28

So the NPK ratio of the fertilizer once dissolved in water is 16N-13P-28K

If you divide that by 2, you get 8-6.5-14 (approximately 9-7-15). If you divide by 7, you get 2.29-1.86-4.

This question has been on my mind for a while, so I appreciate you going around the merry-go-round with me to clarify, if I'm still way off base I'll go do some reading instead...
Grow is labeled as 2-1-6
3 parts of grow = 6-3-18

Micro is labeled as 5-0-1
2 parts of micro = 10-0-2

Bloom is labeled as 0-5-4
2 parts of bloom = 0-10-8

Total nitrogen contained in the finished product is 6+10+0=16
Total phosphorous is 3+0+10 = 13
Total potassium is 18+2+8 = 28

So the NPK ratio of the fertilizer once dissolved in water is 16N-13P-28K

If you divide that by 2, you get 8-6.5-14 (approximately 9-7-15). If you divide by 7, you get 2.29-1.86-4.

1 gram of grow in 1 gallon of water is 2-1-6 at 100 PPM.
2 grams of grow in 1 gallon of water the strength is doubled to 200 PPM but the ratio between the elements remains 2-1-6

You could put 1000 grams in the gallon and the ratio between the elements remains 2-1-6 just the strength changes.
Okay so we're actually saying the same thing, so you add the Ns, Ps, and Ks, but if you have 3ml/gallon of the grow, 2ml/gallon of the micro, and 2ml/gallon of Bloom, that gets to 8-6.5-14?
Yes you have the correct outcome! I don't know where my mind was going before but this is the correct math Just disregard that other shit.

Thanks for the help! Sorry for threadjacking!!
No worries. I cannot believe I went down the wrong rabbit hole for so long. It has got to be the Panama Green, Lemon and Red Dabs. My stoned mind works better in graphics sometimes over numbers.
No worries. I cannot believe I went down the wrong rabbit hole for so long. It has got to be the Panama Green, Lemon and Red Dabs. My stoned mind works better in graphics sometimes over numbers.
That combo sounds like...a lot, lol. I've been smoking some Panamagoo I cloned from a Mass Medical freebie, stuff is just silly strong and definitely puts me in that, "Dave's not here," kind of a mood!