Indoor Window sill grow

I see you should try leaving a fan on them the next time ive found them to grow better like that by the window.... just a thought man, happy growing! :spam:
Yeah I guess it helps to strengthen the stem and branches. Maybe helps with any disease issues too. I'll look into it next season! :biggrin:
Here’s an update on the situation by the window.

I seem to recall saying back in May or thereabouts that I was going to keep it simple this summer. Just grow one plant, I said. Don’t overcomplicate things. Well. That worked! :rolleyes1:

I now have six plants by the window, another in a tent which I’m trying to make pollen from. Yet another cutting rooting in the propagator. The windowsill grow has got a bit out of hand. All because of an “auto” that refuses to flower. So I started experimenting with cuttings, cloning and so on. And here we are.

Dr Jack “Auto” is at Day 93. 93 days and not a single bud. She is much bushier than before, true. I got what I wanted there, But she’s big, and getting bigger every day. I’ve been really busy this past week, so just letting the window girls get on with it. Now I have to start making some decisions. Nice as she looks, I can’t keep such a big beast by the window. I’ll either have to prune her back, or chuck her outside somewhere, or just chop and use the leaves and stalks for something.

The three older clones keep growing. I gave them some extra training today to try and keep them low. Clones 2 and 3 are now 45 days old, and Clone 4 is at 39 days. These will be going in the cabinet on 12/12 in maybe a week to ten days’ time. I might have to prune/top them a bit before that.

Clones 6 and 7 are at Day 20. I’ll probably top both of them next week, and try and keep them short. They’ll go into the small tent probably next month after the current grow there has been harvested. They could be joined by Clone 8 if it roots successfully.

So probably by September the windowsill grow will be over and done with, because it will have morphed into a couple of grows under lights. Which will take me up to November to flower, most likely.

Just need to figure out what to do with this big girl that mothered all the clones…

Hm, just had a brainwave about the big girl.

I can continue to prune her back brutally, then move her (plus maybe a few new clones) to the polytunnel once the current auto has finished. That would be early September most likely. The reducing daylight might help to induce flowering, and the polytunnel would shelter the plant(s) from the worst of the cold, the rain and wind. No light pollution there either. Harvest in late October?

Sounds like a plan...


Realistically I'll have to get some plants in the polytunnel sooner rather than later. Sometime this month if I want to harvest in October. So the younger clones, plus the one rooting in the propagator, would probably go there. I'll prune back the big girl soon, take cuttings to root for placing in the small tent sometime in September. Then put the cut back big girl in the polytunnel, where she'll continue to veg for the best part of a month probably before hopefully flowering... I'm going to chop her back quite severely so I can keep her relatively small.
Dr Jack "Auto" is at Day 98.

She's continuing her vegathon. Now around one metre tall, and about the same wide. I can only imagine what kind of size she would have reached if not topped several times and pruned back. Speaking of which, that will have to be done again soon, as she's just too big to be kept anywhere remotely visible to passersby. She'll be heading to the polytunnel fairly soon, and just to transport her there will need to be at least half her current size. So a pretty brutal pruning is going to happen soon.

Her clones are behind her and growing quickly. The two smallest ones will maybe join her in the polytunnel after they've been topped.

Today I topped and pruned the three older clones along the windowsill. This was to get them shorter and more compact, ready for going in the cabinet. That will probably be at the weekend, depending on how quickly the current grow finishes.

Then I topped the two younger clones, and topped / pruned back the big girl. Those three will be going into the polytunnel soon.

Possibly by next week there will not be anything growing by the window, except a few cuttings trying to root.

I took the two youngest Dr Jack "Auto" clones to the polytunnel and popped them on the table. They're just in 1 litre yoghurt pots at the moment. Having been topped recently, I'll wait to see some more growth before maybe potting up to something larger. I'm looking forward to seeing how they get on in this new environment. They should at least get more light, for longer. The bigger Mum plant will be joining them next visit.

On the weekend (or possibly next week) the youngest of the three clones by the window will go in a tent on 12/12. I will hope to use pollen collected from the reversed clone to create S1 seeds. The two older clones will be going in the cabinet this weekend on 12/12. I will do a two plant ScrOG with those girls. Their Mum will be going to the polytunnel later today.

I have numerous cuttings sitting in pots of water just now, will select half a dozen to root, and the same again to bag up and store in fridge "just in case". Any clones resulting will veg at the window for a few weeks, then once my grow in another tent has been chopped, two or three will go in there for a vertical ScrOG grow.