Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

It's my best so far I'm meant to be running 2 autoultimates in bubble buckets next going for a pound a plant but that all depends if I get the 100 day pheno or not [emoji1]

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just popped an ultimate in my window, waiting for the greenhouse, me too hoping for a haul to hold me over
just popped an ultimate in my window, waiting for the greenhouse, me too hoping for a haul to hold me over
Mate they can take a beating had them tied down for a month supercropped nearly every branch and they still didn't slow down

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well this is a sad day for me as this will be my last grow related post in this thread (unless theres any questions that I can help with) ive got the final weight off the whole tent AU 1 231 grams AU 2 400 grams and all the Black Jack 184 grams not bad under only 600 watt (true power) led

the rh will go back to 62% when I put her back in her curing bucket also a great way of equalizing your rh through all your bud :pass:oh well

Bad ass dude. Save room in the fall! I'm takin you to the arena.
Rally nice following.
I was just gonna say. Damn dude. This thread be long! (Thats what she said) They got a badge for that?
:rofl: dude that made me smile or it could of been wind we will never know :smoking:oh and there always room for a grow battle for mr @Roark and thanks to briman just figured what seeds I'm getting at 4/20 all delicious seeds critical x jack herer, dark purple auto and northen light blue auto all thanks to briman for reminding me about delicious seeds stroll on next week :smoking: