Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Cracking haul Wile, it's gonna be a smokey Easter at you place for sure...
:slap:Have that....
cheers dude you didn't do to bad yourself and cheers for the rep dude its not the amount that matters its just because you did that counts :pass:

Thats a huge pile of bud mate, top class growing- next stop 1 pound, when you dial in the autopots and run a big strain youll do it for sure! Max rep dude
hey dude thanks for the rep after my next run (blue cheese) I will run 2 auto ultimates in bubble buckets if you will in your Wilma ha ha I'm a glutton for punishment :smoking:
Awesome Wile,great growing mate.Its only a matter of time til you crack the pound but congrats on smashing your pb.
I cant give you any rep atm,got to spread some around.Enjoy the fruits mate.
Your on, should be a good laugh- watching our tents burst (hopefully) Battle of the ultimates around early summer time
I like your style sir burst tents it is say around 12 weeks for the blue cheese which I will be germing over this long and most welcome weekend start the ultimates around 3 to 4 weeks before blue cheese chop day hopefully get that 100+ day pheno :smoking:
Awesome Wile,great growing mate.Its only a matter of time til you crack the pound but congrats on smashing your pb.
I cant give you any rep atm,got to spread some around.Enjoy the fruits mate.
cheers red the sad thing is after this grow I wont be updating this thread boo hoo I'm thinking of going to the LED section as that seems to be the only constant in my growing ye 1 lbs here I come :cheers: