Hi again Sativa-Cat
Looks like we're all here to help you hit the ground running! - Lots of good advice in here! ^_^
I scanned through the posts, and i'll just pick out some things that i know about (sorry for the short bit quotes)
Those PH strips are almost useless - equal to the terrible yellow PH meters you can buy. There are some cheaper ones that work (well ... cheaper than Bluelabs) .. If you have them in your country, look at the "Essential" range of PH meters. They served me well when i used them.
Not Sativa-CAt .. but this caught my eye ... I've suffered this way, and it can be heart breaking. obviously genetics come into play to some degree - but a good PK regime at the right time along with really good light penetration will sort that out! (Everyone knows i'm a slap-dash grower ... i'm just lucky to have had the one to one advise from some growing super-heros lol....just paying it forwatrd!)
It's a bit hot!

.. you know that already!
Here is the problem. The killer of seedlings ... the culprit of later nute lockout .. and the bane of new growers.
It's like my old city water (rubbish!!)
You'll need to get some nitric acid (PHdown) .. or if that's impossible for now ... some lemon juice (not as good, but will do). You still need a PH meter to accurately measure your PH. Get it down to 6.2 (after nutes when you're using them).
The PH pen will be the savoir of grows for you.
Alternatively, check out the local supermarkets for their water selection .... read all the labels (yes ... you'll look like a nutter!) ... if you can find one with a PH of 6.0-6.5, give it a whirl ... it's bound to be better than your tap.
Ideally, before dropping your seed into the soil, you'ld have watered it a bit a day or 2 before (like 1 litre of PH adjusted water). Seeds don't like being put in dry soil.
Pop a clear plastic cup over it where the seed was sown (spray the inside of the cup) for a humidty dome. When the seed pops up in 2 or three days, use the plastic cup to add a little water (just 1/4 of the cup around the base of the seedling) and pop the cup back on.
Increase the water every couple of days a little.
When the leaves start reaching the edge of the cup, take it away and get a fan lightly rustling the seedling.
Build up the water amount every couple of days. when it's properly up with some leaves (10 days ish) .. you can water larger amounts. I like to do a circle around the outside of the pot(near the walls) to encourage the roots to dearch .. then next watering, do a circle around the inside (around the stem).
Watering correctly comes with practice ... If you get to day 20 and the leaves have hit the edge of the pot .. you've rocked the start!
Good luck!!