I think both you and slow are correct in the fact that autos don't need as much soil as the photos do. Probably half. I like the ten gallon containers because I am lazy and just want to water, and only whip up one batch of soil to last 3 grows or more.I’m learning more about these girls as I grow ....
BAS is where the guy I follow, Pedro, gets his supplies for his EarthBox Grow so yes they know their stuff - BTW use coupon code Pedro for any BAS purchases and get I believe it’s 10% off - easy code to remember- Pedro .......
BAS and Tad are both great suppliers and sources of info, I respect both and both agree 15 gallons minimum on a good LOS Grow but have said 10 gallons could work but both are in reference to Photo Plants not Autos so I suspect the right strain in a Junior and it works, part of the reason I selected the smaller strains for my grow and when the Junior is heaped up it does hold about 6.5 gallons for sure so it’s possible to grow a good plant .....
Earthworms, particularly red warms, I feel are a HUGE factor in the Grow - they eat the top mulch and deposit castings rich in nutrients - finesti nutrients available and you can’t even buy them like when made right in the box - some of the castings are even delivered to the roots and they make air passage ways as well - lots of benefits ......
I have moved my lights up even further than when you last saw - on the cob I hung it direct, looped over top rail, there is no height left - the ES 180 has moved up as well - everything seems ok and I think we are getting some stretch ..... On the seedling I’ve even raised that light and she is reaching some - see if I can grow them a little less bushy - it the number of bud sites I’m interested in not leaves ..... After X grows I hopefully will have it dialed in, this is just my second time at the rodeo.
Pic shows junior soil waiting for new transplant - mulch on top with some Gro Kashi and a sprinkle of rock dust, rock dust helps worms digest as they don’t have stomachs- note there is lot of worms - challenge during grow will be to keep worms alive and well fed .... I find the earthbox to be a perfect little worm factory because of the just right moisture level in the soil and the condensation action under the shower cap - when all is right I can lift cap and find the worms right there eating away - they never stop when food and conditions are right.
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