Dinafem White Cheese Autoflowering (Dinafem)

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You have done a great job pulling the white cheese back :toke: I think you have the right attitude with regards to leds you are going to let them run the course of the Grow then you will know if they compare to your older style lighting and if suitable for your needs :thumbsup: always a great attitude to have.

The plants look nice and bust and a nice vibrant green. Nice job!

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

You have done a great job pulling the white cheese back :toke: I think you have the right attitude with regards to leds you are going to let them run the course of the Grow then you will know if they compare to your older style lighting and if suitable for your needs :thumbsup: always a great attitude to have.

The plants look nice and bust and a nice vibrant green. Nice job!

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

Will post updated pics when they wake up, but will say this they were praying haha love it, now to just hope that all my stressers on them doesn't hurt me in the end too badly
You have done a great job pulling the white cheese back :toke: I think you have the right attitude with regards to leds you are going to let them run the course of the Grow then you will know if they compare to your older style lighting and if suitable for your needs :thumbsup: always a great attitude to have.

The plants look nice and bust and a nice vibrant green. Nice job!

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

Thank you for being here as well, the experience of the grow, of having helped to create life from beginning to end is always what I loved most about growing, and a crucial part of the experience is being able to meet others and just enjoy whole process. :)
Evening update 3/11
Ok so decided against watering I haven't watered in 4 days but I am using 5gal containers, plus I know that not going through as much water with the LEDs Pics on this update are 2 of the GSC from lights on this evening and one of the White Cheese. Current light height is close to 24 inces from top of the GSC so I'm guessing that's about 27 inches from the top of the WhiteCheese. Thank you so much both AFN, the staff and members on here. Also thanks qedamawi Haile Selassie ;-) Much growers love allView media item 6411View media item 6410View media item 6409
Looking great so far :toke:

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated :thumbsup:

All the best

Thank you, I'm quite sure I've made a few errors along the way (lighting ;-) ) but I learned something new so for that I am thankful. I wonder what one could expect from the WhiteCheese if grown outside, I may try that my plan is to have some autos in the outdoor garden this year. I mean I've seen some that were just trees as example-Blue mammoth x super autos Barney's farm-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUUMDz47-4s
I think you should have the lights much closer. The specs for the light show a dramatic drop off of intensity past a foot. There are no UV or IR wavelengths, so burning easily is not an issue. I would bring them down to about six inches above the plant top. Then pitch the angle to about 30 degrees. This will help the light penetrate around the big fan leaves, to lower branches, but you still get to leave them intact. They seem to be similar to my 5 watt diode Vipars.
You need to use a light pulley, or chain. The constant adjustments up are vital. Indoor light fades to the square. The way to stop the light from spinning, is a control wire. A simple piece of green garden wire attached to a corner mount, will stop that. Tie it off to the appropriate location to counter balance the spin. I keep my lights about six inches above the canopy, and have to adjust up daily. You will experience 1-3 inches of growth a day. That is how responsive they are, when you give them the needed intensity.
It is only when they have those focusing lenses that you need to be a foot and above.
I think you should have the lights much closer. The specs for the light show a dramatic drop off of intensity past a foot. There are no UV or IR wavelengths, so burning easily is not an issue. I would bring them down to about six inches above the plant top. Then pitch the angle to about 30 degrees. This will help the light penetrate around the big fan leaves, to lower branches, but you still get to leave them intact. They seem to be similar to my 5 watt diode Vipars.
You need to use a light pulley, or chain. The constant adjustments up are vital. Indoor light fades to the square. The way to stop the light from spinning, is a control wire. A simple piece of green garden wire attached to a corner mount, will stop that. Tie it off to the appropriate location to counter balance the spin. I keep my lights about six inches above the canopy, and have to adjust up daily. You will experience 1-3 inches of growth a day. That is how responsive they are, when you give them the needed intensity.
It is only when they have those focusing lenses that you need to be a foot and above.
Exacly why I am not liking the led grow, ask 20 people and I get 20 different answers some have said leds need to be right on top of the plants, then the next person says oh no they need to be 2 foot from the plants. I can understand why people have problems with led growing. You can't find or get a straight answer out of nobody. All frustrating I'm uploading all new update pics now ;-)