DSC_0008.jpgsmoking this bud right now!!:smoke: atmosphere..............it is so good i cant tell ya, nobody will believe me!
bump! for today......DSC_0024.jpgDSC_0025.jpg we all need some bud porn!

show us the bud! atmosphere dried and two week cure!
Smoking on the Northern Lights myself :bong: photos are in the signature :smokebuds:
final found a place that has dryice around here!!!...:booya:...:booya:...this is one of the two that i made....now what to do with it...it smokes great!!!...but i want to do something speical with it!!...:hot:...any sugestions???..,,,:smokebuds:
You could make some pretty killer edibles my friend! :thumbs:I have a great recipe for pineapple zuchinni bread! Or just send it to me and I will find a use for it and let you know how it was :crying:
My favorite daytime smoke dinafems critical jack :smokebuds:

Smoking the first Green Poison from my first harvest!!!! I have the vap @ 160c with 60% RH 3 day dried home grown herb. VERY NICE!
Flowers: Odessey , alien og hb's
Alien HO
Vanilla custard tobacco in my ECig