Thanks - Either i pass or fail, either way i'll be smoking 2moz, whether its in celebration or commiseration remains to be seen...
Interview and drug test tomorrow - praying to fuck i get the job, then i can blaze my goodies in less than 24 hours... :lol:

f*ck - had the test today, i managed to get it put back after the interview on Tuesday.....Not a f*cking piss test at all, it's a mouth swab test....Difference? A mouth swab it's outa your system in 3 or 4 days! I've not smoked for nigh on 3 fucking weeks trying to get clean, doing every trick in the book to try get my piss clean...And all to no avail, i could have been blazing right up to the weekend just passed...

Fuckers...I'm in the process right now of rolling my 1st spliff in 3 weeks, it's gonna knock me on my arse lol

and i got the job...
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... had the test today,...I'm in the process right now of rolling my 1st spliff in 3 weeks, it's gonna knock me on my arse lol

Or it could have been a hair test and you would be shit out of luck.
Be glad, and enjoy the spliff!!
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... had the test today,...
and i got the job...

I wouldn't mind if you toned down the vulgarity a bit. We do have ladies on this forum you know :lol:
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och, i knew it wouldn't be a hair test, they ain't paying out for 100 a week of them...My hands are literally shaking as i roll....whoosh, there goes the flame...bliss xx

---------- Post added 10-20-2011 at 05:03 PM ----------

I wouldn't mind if you toned down the vulgarity a bit. We do have ladies on this forum you know :lol:

ok, soz. Apologies to any i've offended in my excitement....
Hey I just realized you said you haven't had a good buzz in almost a month! Damn man I would be cussing up a storm as well! :smokebuds:
smack dab in the middle of the day
and i decided to test drive some
Querkle pineapple,blue dragon,and
papaya flash hash.
i placed a tiny nugget of each flavor
along with some white pheno Bad
Betty in a grinder.
the hash is a little moist so i mixed in
some well dried and cured MJ
tastes like inhaling the vapor off a stale beer nose is feeling it now
my head...ahhhh i like the way this feels .
oh boy..something tells me i'm about to be
busy for the next couple of hours
Nice! You know what I do with hash is squish the crap out of the nuggets into a paste/powder between my thumb and index finger, and smoke that on it's own, on a screen, with taps of the lighter... The hash should be pretty dry, its the oil in it that makes it look wet.... Just about to go blaze some Querkle hash myself! Guess we're on the same page! lol... Passing it back to you RSV1! :smokebuds:
Three different Phenos of some Himalyan Blue Diesel I just harvested. Waiting on 4 more to finish out! All grown by me! Finally Ditched the Dealer about a month ago!

This is one of the Lemon Pheno I got... Tastes so kiefy it's delicious! Going to be making ISO Cold Extraction hash with it's trimmings...:smokebuds:
HBD LEMON1 HARVEST 2_10-19-11.jpg