If you'll permit, I'd like to show off the harvest for my last AWW, which I chopped and trimmed today. I peeked in on the Auto Durban Sisters, and rest assured they are Loving their new digs!
Cleo went 87 days from pop, and she yielded a wet weight (after trim) of 12.3 oz.
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The Harvest Hill

Smells incredible, and the bud density is righteous!
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Cleo's top bud, pre-stylin'.. After trim, it weighed 1.5 oz on its own.
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Biggest bud trio.
I think she'll be about 3 oz, dried. No complaints there!
Once I get the closet disinfected and ready, the Durban Sisters will take residency. Shooting for Wednesday..
Thanks for looking.. Tokes to all."AFN smoke out"