Busy morning at Waximus Abby.. Transplanted 4 of the Ladies into airpots and set them up onder 400w MH in the tent. I never have trouble transplanting a clone in a rooter straight into hydroton, but I swear my hands always shake when separating a plant from its starter pot! Ugh.... At least the Ladies seem to be dealing with the disruption. Hoping for Universal grace

Has anyone invented a spray that you can apply to the inside of a plant pot, that makes the soil stay together when transplanting? Potential Million dollar idea, that..
So, the I built the airpot soil like this:
Bottom 2 inches, Mass Whole Supersoil (one pot, I used Coast of Maine Supersoil, as a review test)
Next 2-3 inches, and along sides of pot, I used Mass Whole Potting Soil-similar to

OF, but pH is dead on for this soil.
On top of these layers, I sprinkles Aurora Oregonism XL (bacteria and enzymes) , and Elemental (cal/mag) and saturated in with spray watering.
Removed the 1/2 gal soil/root from starter pots and integrated to soil in airpot.
Gave each a slow drink of 50% diluted stump tea, with bacterial larvacide (sorry, can't pronounce, or spell it), and blackstrap molassas- brewed in a bubble bucket for a day. FACT: You CAN spontaneously grow hair patches if you get any on your skin for a bit... Damn stuff is ALIVE, people. A full on hazmat shower is recommended. Ick.
Watered with about a liter of pH'd (6.5) water, slowly... Like everyone says, airpot watering is an art form.. It is not instant gratification. Its constipation, in aquifer form.... lol
And, THAT is the rest of the story. I'll look in on them a few times to make sure they aren't feeling faint.
And.... Pics:

ADP#1, I'm naming her Thalia, Muse of Comedy, because I smile every time I look upon her


ADP#2, Calliope, Muse of epic poetry, because she looks like a dirty Bohemian...

The left 2 airpots are the ADPs; The other pair are the Blue Velvet. One more to transplant, but she needs a few more days to harden up.
So, time to roll a big fat EC Diesel doobie! (Lady Waximus just asked "what kind of smoke do you want me to roll?" Love that woman. MmmHmmm)
Hope y'all are safe and enjoying something good

Peace, all!