Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent



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Its looking like its happy! Not too tall at all. Sing that girl a song and tell her how beautiful she looks.
Today is Thursday June 16 2016

Not much has changed. Well, I can say they are growing. The soil is more then starting to dry out. Tomorrow after their nap I will give them distilled water. I know it May have been to soon but I did killed 1 of the 2 that was planted in the same pot by mistake. [emoji40] [emoji24] [emoji35]

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Removing the one helps the other. Easy on the water! How much are you planning on giving each?
That's a good question. I was just going to do what I did the first time. Which was wet the whole thing. Is that not a good idea? Or. Should I be thinking in cups.

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Today is Friday June 17 2016

I put the girls to bed @ 9:00 am. They Will sleep for 6 hours. They are about a week old maybe less. Today I will add a timer to the lights as I did the filter and fan. They had some water last night but not much I'm kind of scared to water[emoji33] . They are starting to get first set of leaves. All is well. I hope everyone else is the same.

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Today is Friday June 17 2016

I put the girls to bed @ 9:00 am. They Will sleep for 6 hours. They are about a week old maybe less. Today I will add a timer to the lights as I did the filter and fan. They had some water last night but not much I'm kind of scared to water[emoji33] . They are starting to get first set of leaves. All is well. I hope everyone else is the same.

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After another week make sure your watering the whole plot so that water gets on the sides and to the bottom. Then redo it when it needs it about every 3 days.. When she gets bigger it will be every other day..
Thanks friend. Will do. I understand how to water now.. I think lol.

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After another week make sure your watering the whole plot so that water gets on the sides and to the bottom. Then redo it when it needs it about every 3 days.. When she gets bigger it will be every other day..
After another week make sure your watering the whole plot so that water gets on the sides and to the bottom. Then redo it when it needs it about every 3 days.. When she gets bigger it will be every other day..

After another week make sure your watering the whole plot so that water gets on the sides and to the bottom. Then redo it when it needs it about every 3 days.. When she gets bigger it will be every other day..

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