Indoor Water only with kind soil - 6 autoflowering strains, 6 pots and 600 led watts in a 2 x 4 x 5'8 tent

Ok thanks dudeski you are a great help.

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After a few days 8 of my 9 seeds broke dirt. The lights are still on 24 hours a day. I have now removed the plastic I placed on top of the pots. What we have left is 5 2 gallon pots and 2 1 gallon pots. I planted 2 seeds in in 1 2 gallon pot. So now we have 7 out of 9 seeds. Sorry to say I will kill the weak one. I move the light a little closer. The temps are @ 75 degrees and rh is @ 50 percent. The fan inside the tent is on. The other fan is set to a timer and goes on and off every short while with the speed on slowest settings.[emoji100] [emoji123] [emoji186] [emoji6]

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Hearty lil weeds they are!
If you were me would you change the lights 18 and 6 so the babies can get so rest? Or is it to early.

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That is what mine stay on.
It is a more natural light cycle
I'm gonna change mine to 18 and 6 thanks for the advice.

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Today is Wednesday June 15 2016

The girls are doing really well. I moved the a little closer because 2 of them seem to be tall. I mist them 2 Times a day morning and night. Now I'm just waiting for pots to day out so I can water them. Tomorrow we be the first day they will have rest. Temps and rh have been in range.

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Photos? Are they standing straight?